athiest former soldier sues over religious harasment

The religious impact is much larger there and do infact make your life different from ours.

I was still surprised about that, considering how there was about twenty posts in that other thread along the lines of "I'm athetist, but my parents forced me to go to church every sunday". I thought that shit only happened in the bible belt.
Oh yes the moral issue. I forgot this was universal...oh wait it's not. Your morals are not the same of mine, so yeah, that didn't work either.
No ofcourse it's not universal, I never said it was. It was my opinion obviously. Which makes this argument useless as we just have different stands on things.

I don't understand your whole original point of bringing up the fact that the American government is mostly filled with christian followers. Is it wrong? Or bad? I don't get it. What's your point?!
Because I don't like religion and don't want to be controlled by it. It just breeds closemindedness and dumb morals I don't agree with.

BTW, I can list some more things you fail at ;):

Non-socialized health care
Expensive fees if you want to go to good schools
Starting fucking wars

But this is just opinions anyway, I don't really want to debate I just didn't like when you called Cherko retarded when he imo wasn't.
And stupid things are said by stupid people, right?

As for demographics and such... Well, I saw them in one of the papers in the school library. I don't like using Wikipedia articles as proof of anything, so as a general rule I don't, but you could read their article on demographics of atheism to get a general idea of how widespread atheism is in Europe as opposed to America.

As for the list of things wrong with America, I just wrote what came to mind at the time. I could probably write a list of more relevant things; What Vilden said, the fact that around a percent of the American population is in jail - would seem to indicate a high crime rate (you should have no problem finding reliable demographics for this) and some other things that I might've named if I wasn't exhausted right now.
I think we should all look to our own country before openly criticizing another and listing "what's wrong".

For whoever said that they got an opinion from a movie or whatever the hell they said -- come on. That's like some idiot watching the OC and thinking that American high school is exactly like that. It's impossible to truly judge a place until you've been there. What you see on the news and on the internet is often sensationalist and skewed. Nobody wants to watch news that is full of good and pleasant things. Dirt and grime and poorest aspects of a society are always the most capitivating and get the most viewers. When people feel that there is some threat out there, they turn to the news. The news continues telling them about the threats, and they're hooked.

There are high crime rates in loads of countries. The crime rate varies from area to area. To get an "average" crime rate for the United States is ridiculous, as certain parts of the country bring the average down. The same with the UK, Germany, and pretty much every country out there. Beware of over-all facts and figures. They don't tell you where the facts come from -- what city, area, group of people.
First off, money shouldn't be an issue when it comes to ridding the planet of psychopaths who are nothing but a menance and danger to society. I have no fucking problem whatsoever paying to kill some prick who chomps down on peoples' schlongs for his sunday brunch. So spare me the "boo hoo it costs money" argument.
I would be lying if I said this makes sense.
If the goal is "getting rid" of menaces to society, why not save some money (which can be used on other, useful things) by incarcerating them for life.
There are high crime rates in loads of countries. The crime rate varies from area to area. To get an "average" crime rate for the United States is ridiculous, as certain parts of the country bring the average down. The same with the UK, Germany, and pretty much every country out there. Beware of over-all facts and figures. They don't tell you where the facts come from -- what city, area, group of people.
This is true, but there are some figures that I think are important. The homocides per 1000 in America is something like 2 or 3 times higher than Western Europe. Even if most of the country has low crime, that still leaves a few places where it is a huge problem (Washington DC anyone?). Last time I checked those places are in the United States and the country should be judged on them.

I would be lying if I said this makes sense.
If the goal is "getting rid" of menaces to society, why not save some money (which can be used on other, useful things) by incarcerating them for life.
He's clearly not a logical thinker.
I would be lying if I said this makes sense.
If the goal is "getting rid" of menaces to society, why not save some money (which can be used on other, useful things) by incarcerating them for life.

Yeah it makes a lot of sense to lock him up with other people who are in prison for offenses not even comparable to a serial killer and endangering all of those people to. Not everyone in prison is a scumbag mass-murdering rapist fyi.

Besides, you obviously didn't understand the point I was trying to make. It's the principle of the idea really. If anyone really values their safety from people like that then you wouldn't really care about spending an a few extra tax dollars (per person mind you) to get rid of them for good. It's not like the world is going to spiral into oblivion from the loss of one person.

The thing that should really be looked at are the ridiculous appeal processes that go on for people who are clearly guilty. That's where most of the "money" goes anyways.

"some prick who chomps down on peoples' schlongs for his sunday brunch"? wtf?

Was a Dahmer reference. I don't really know if he ate anyone's cock, but he did only target men so...he could have, allegedly.

He's clearly not a logical thinker.

That's hilarious coming from you. I do recall some pretty ridiculous shit being said by you in a universe thread. Oh by the way, how do Nec's balls taste? :lol:
Thread got derailed indeed.

Whoever quoted me on the movie thing... Seriously, even if you mention that you saw a documentary and read a newspaper article, saying that you saw something in a film (which has influenced you, in some way, along the lines of statistics and your image of a country/people) devalues your comment. It's like saying that you saw a Michael Moore film and you have deduced that Charlton Heston is a jerk. Something stupid like that.

I'm not trying to make you look stupid. Just saying that the "I saw a film..." thing isn't exactly the most valid point you can make when talking about how you've formulated an opinion on a large group of people.

@Cookiecutter: I don't see how an entire country can logically be judged on the crime rate in one particular area. If I said that the UK was crime-ridden based on the crime rates in Manchester or Birmingham, people would tell me that I'm unfairly weighing the average crime rate in certain cities against the crime rate of an entire country. Most of the US is a safe and relatively normal in terms of crime. There's crime everywhere, both with rich and poor, regardless of area. There are areas with much higher crime rates, but I don't think safety or crime rate in a country can be judged by a country's "weakest link". It's an extreme outlier! You can't judge an entire place based on that.

It's pointless arguing about this, as nothing I say will change your opinion, and nothing you say about this particular topic will ever change my thinking.
I haven't taken the time to look this up, but does a country's crime rate reflect its mean or median crime rate? This would certainly affect my judgment of how fairly different countries can be compared.

On topic though, I support this guy 100%, although it surprises me that anyone with the intellectual ability to reach a religious conclusion independently of the persuassions and coersions of others would be stupid enough to join the military in the first place.