athiest former soldier sues over religious harasment

About America: As an American who has lived abroad (Canada), I think America has many problems and things I dislike. However it also allows it's citizens to live very freely and allows them to strive for the life they want. Problems need to be solved, but I think they can and will be solved. Look 25 years back and we were mired in the Cold War, Reagan was racking up a giant deficit among other nefarious dealings and gays were being blamed for AIDS. Now despite Bush's best efforts I think we are better off. America may seem like a big baddy rife with problems, but many other countries have far worse problems and are without the political means of improving as easily as the USA.

This reminds me of a post made earlier today about climate. No matter where you live, the hottest it usually gets, regardless of whether it's 75 or 120 degrees, will feel annoyingly hot to the people living there.

So when you live in the US and you bitch about this country's problems, think about a nation like Haiti, and the nature of its problems as compared to our own.
@Zeph: Exactly, you need to keep perspective. There was a huge protest at the University of Toronto because they raised tuition fees, but the fees were still much lower than most US schools, where they would be overjoyed to have the same tuition. I think it's very important to criticize your country. That's how it improves. It is also important however to understand all the good things you have.
Weren't you just bitching about our problems a few pages ago or in some other thread? Anyway that's a fine point.

Consider it a repentance. I just wonder where we should draw the line between addressing our own problems and those of the rest of the world.
That is an issue because many countries do not have the resources to help themselves, but then again, we do not understand their problems as well as they do. It's a fine line that I am not qualified to seriously speculate on.
This reminds me of a post made earlier today about climate. No matter where you live, the hottest it usually gets, regardless of whether it's 75 or 120 degrees, will feel annoyingly hot to the people living there.

So when you live in the US and you bitch about this country's problems, think about a nation like Haiti, and the nature of its problems as compared to our own.

Im sorry but fuck that point. I won't not complain just because there are shittier countries out there.
Im sorry but fuck that point. I won't not complain just because there are shittier countries out there.

It's not a question of whether we should complain, it's what we should complain about. As privileged human beings, we can nitpick about more trivial issues and we lose sight of real priorities. The problem is that we don't see the most important issues before the more immediate, less consequential annoyances (which is why immediate-benefit legislation is passed more often than rival long-term plans).

Privilege allows us to turn a blind eye to everything that's not an obvious facet of our everyday lives.
Honestly, even if you were just joking around cherko, that was a pretty stupid fucking post. wow

@ the people whining about the american government or anything else in the world having problems: Nothing is perfect. Once you come to grips with this fact you'll live a happier life that's for sure.
What was stupid about his post? All things he listed are shortcomings that the US got that Sweden don't (excluding the list in the end which I assume was a joke). Which was a valid reply to Necs claim that you didn't have. :>
Are you seriously trying to argue with me about this? There's nothing shortcoming about the death penalty if you aren't a murderer. If you think it's wrong or immoral to put a serial killer to death then you're, in Nec's terms, a faggot.

As for the other things he was talking about, they aren't even worth arguing. Our (American's) lives are not that much different than you or any other countries' just because we use a different system of measurement (which isn't even 100% of the time btw), and our government is run by christian followers instead of one of the other 25829588925 religions. So you douchebags can drop the shitheaded self-righteous mentality about your oh-so-cool metric system and your supposed non-religious government.

You fucking people need to quit being so retarded please.
America may seem like a big baddy rife with problems, but many other countries have far worse problems and are without the political means of improving as easily as the USA.

Exactly. We don't need walls around our houses with broken glass on the top. And we don't have people living in houses made of metal, mud, and plants.
Are you seriously trying to argue with me about this? There's nothing shortcoming about the death penalty if you aren't a murderer. If you think it's wrong or immoral to put a serial killer to death then you're, in Nec's terms, a faggot.
Actually, there are alot of shortcomings about death penalty, like it costs alot of money, the fear of being falsly sentenced, not moral (which lots of people care about, suprise!) etc.

Our (American's) lives are not that much different than you or any other countries' just because we use a different system of measurement (which isn't even 100% of the time btw), and our government is run by christian followers instead of one of the other 25829588925 religions. So you douchebags can drop the shitheaded self-righteous mentality about your oh-so-cool metric system and your supposed non-religious government.
Eh, first, your government IS non-religious so it is not "supposed" or run by some other of the 25829588925 religious so you can drop that. And sorry, I've never been to America but from what I've read, heard other people say who's been there, seen in movies, documentaries, etc etc. The religious impact is much larger there and do infact make your life different from ours.

You fucking people need to quit being so retarded please.
Sure, if you give me a real argument instead of writing huge posts about nothing were you blurt out faggot a few times. :)
Actually I don't support the death penalty. :p

Sorry I wasn't implying that you did.

Yeah, it costs more to keep them on death row than to just keep them in prison their entire life

That's because shithead murderers think it's cool to try and appeal every little thing just for the sake of it. Even though they are clearly guilty. Even the dead men walking get the rights to an appeal.

Actually, there are alot of shortcomings about death penalty, like it costs alot of money, the fear of being falsly sentenced, not moral (which lots of people care about, suprise!) etc.

Hooraaayy a quote war!

First off, money shouldn't be an issue when it comes to ridding the planet of psychopaths who are nothing but a menance and danger to society. I have no fucking problem whatsoever paying to kill some prick who chomps down on peoples' schlongs for his sunday brunch. So spare me the "boo hoo it costs money" argument.

edit: Retracted statement about being falsly accused.

Oh yes the moral issue. I forgot this was universal...oh wait it's not. Your morals are not the same of mine, so yeah, that didn't work either.

Eh, first, your government IS non-religious so it is not "supposed" or run by some other of the 25829588925 religious so you can drop that. And sorry, I've never been to America but from what I've read, heard other people say who's been there, seen in movies, documentaries, etc etc. The religious impact is much larger there and do infact make your life different from ours.

I don't understand your whole original point of bringing up the fact that the American government is mostly filled with christian followers. Is it wrong? Or bad? I don't get it. What's your point?!

:lol: @ "people who's been there," and movie references

Sure, if you give me a real argument instead of writing huge posts about nothing were you blurt out faggot a few times. :)

Alas, I clearly quoted Nec when I called you a faggot so that I would not be sued for plagiarism. ah ha!