Atlanta ProgPower Show

New Metal Member
Oct 11, 2006
I was turned on to ProgPower by a lying, cheating, stealing, whining, drug abusing whore who conned me in to taking her to the show against my wishes but I had a blast and will make it to the next show.
I am now a fan forever...of ProgPower...not the whore.
Any lying, cheating, stealing, whining, drug abusing whores reading this that want to join me for the next show?

Carl White said:
I was turned on to ProgPower by a lying, cheating, stealing, whining, drug abusing whore who conned me in to taking her to the show against my wishes but I had a blast and will make it to the next show.
I am now a fan forever...of ProgPower...not the whore.
Any lying, cheating, stealing, whining, drug abusing whores reading this that want to join me for the next show?

Carl White

...ummm why would you want another one...did she not do the lying, cheating, stealing, whining, drug abusing the way you liked it?...;)
thedelicateflower said:
...ummm why would you want another one...did she not do the lying, cheating, stealing, whining, drug abusing the way you liked it?...;)

I think he is looking for one that he can add "caused to spend a night in jail" or "gave me an STD" to the list. And sir I applaud you for your excellent taste in women and dilligence to perfection. said:
I was turned on to ProgPower by a lying, cheating, stealing, whining, drug abusing whore who conned me in to taking her to the show against my wishes but I had a blast and will make it to the next show.
I am now a fan forever...of ProgPower...not the whore.
Any lying, cheating, stealing, whining, drug abusing whores reading this that want to join me for the next show?

Carl White

I was looking for her all weekend. :kickass: said:
Any lying, cheating, stealing, whining, drug abusing whores reading this that want to join me for the next show?

That sounds like me, except I don't wine. Care for a compromise?

Here's a picture of me:


Well artists concept anyway.

MetalRose said:
That sounds like me, except I don't wine. Care for a compromise?

Here's a picture of me:


Well artists concept anyway.


Jeez - that pic must have been done in your high school daze - there's no bubble wrap or coconuts :)

Soundsl ike our friend ran into my ex-wife - just kidding, we get along - and she never would have gone to PP LOL

lying, cheating, stealing, whining, drug abusing whores are the best kind to only have sex with. No guilt for throwing them out of your hotel room naked with a used condom stuck in their hair.

Dating them is bad.
nailz said:
lying, cheating, stealing, whining, drug abusing whores are the best kind to only have sex with. No guilt for throwing them out of your hotel room naked with a used condom stuck in their hair.

Dating them is bad.

You'd probably make a fortune if you go to and put this quote on a t-shirt. said:
I was turned on to ProgPower by a lying, cheating, stealing, whining, drug abusing whore who conned me in to taking her to the show against my wishes but I had a blast and will make it to the next show.
I am now a fan forever...of ProgPower...not the whore.
Any lying, cheating, stealing, whining, drug abusing whores reading this that want to join me for the next show?

Carl White

Sure you didn't leave something out...