- Jun 19, 2004
- 1,425
- 10
- 38
Please excuse the roughness of this review...I'm writing it based on notes I took from my very first listen.
Overall, I was extremely pleased with this album, although I imagine strict metalheads might be surprised and even disappointed to hear Russell Allen singing (for the most part) Southern rock...complete with a fairly convincing accent at times! But for me, this is quite similar to what's likely to be on if I'm listening to the radio, so I was pleased. The singing technique in many places was markedly different from what we hear with Symphony X...part of it may have been the accent, and part of it may have been his vocal influences showing through his own style more than usual. What was interesting was the change in Romeo's guitar-playing style as well (occasionally even reminding me of SRV), and this display of versatility on his part was pretty cool.
The first track, "Blackout", had me thinking of "War Pigs", except harder and much more recent...maybe it was the air-raid sirens at the very beginning. Following in a similar vein topic-wise was "Unjustified"...but this song was my one real, significant beef with the album. I simply cannot stand political lyrics, especially because it seems like everybody's jumping on the bandwagon lately. Plus, I've never liked the implication that those who disagree with one's own views are brainwashed or whatever. So, this one might not sit well with some people. But I think you should read the lyrics for yourselves, when you get a chance, and make your own choice. Personally, I cut him some slack since it was his first album and he admits that prior to this he's been uninvolved with the writing side of things; who knows what a more developed writing style will bring about, lyrics-wise?
Moving on from there, we get another classic-rock inspired piece, "Voodoo Hand". It's after this point, just when you think you've figured out what the whole album is going to sound like, that things start to mix around a bit. The lyrics of "Angel", for me, go quite a ways towards making up for my earlier irritation lyric-wise. The softer opening is a first on the album, and I love the SRV-like harmonics that Romeo plays at one point. The next song, entitled "The Distance", which seems to be a song about grieving for a lost love, plays much more on the softer side of Allen's singing voice; the delivery is excellent and makes the song very enjoyable. "Seasons of Insanity" does a total 180 and seems to pay homage to the early roots of metal.
The next song, "Gaia", was one of my absolute favorites on the entire album. Here we have a much more Symphony X-like track (OK, so I admit those are my favorites, but I DO like the other stuff!) complete with orchestration from Romeo, and--according to the liner notes "Everything but the drums and vocals: Romeo". In many ways I'm reminded of something from V: The New Mythology Suite (perhaps "Egypt"?), and I would hope that the next album will use a similar production technique to what we have here. Everything is crystal-clear, perfectly balanced, and every instrument is audible without drowning anybody else out--and lyrically, this is probably one of the better ones. I would be extremely pleased to hear this one at a Symphony X concert, that's for sure!
We make a return to the Southern rock style from earlier in the album with "Loosin' You" (which had a rather comical vocal delivery at times) and "Saucy Jack", but then the album makes another departure just before you start to settle down: "We Will Fly". Pinnella's influence is heavy on this one, and you know it right away during the soft, slow buildup with its vintage synth tones and gorgeous piano. I would say it's on this song where you get the full range of Allen's voice all in one package, from the choral harmonies to the rougher, louder parts. The tune itself is probably also one of the most enticing, and I couldn't help trying some backing vocals on that very first listen. This is one of those songs that you just don't want to end, and I think it would make another excellent one to play live with the entire band. The final track, "Atomic Soul" proper, is a short rocker that reminds me in some strange way of Boston, but I think I like this one better...and that final Hammond...what a nice note to go out on!
Overall, probably a 4/5. Not bad...for a Jersey boy!
(Hey, I lived there for four years...I've earned my right to say that!
Overall, I was extremely pleased with this album, although I imagine strict metalheads might be surprised and even disappointed to hear Russell Allen singing (for the most part) Southern rock...complete with a fairly convincing accent at times! But for me, this is quite similar to what's likely to be on if I'm listening to the radio, so I was pleased. The singing technique in many places was markedly different from what we hear with Symphony X...part of it may have been the accent, and part of it may have been his vocal influences showing through his own style more than usual. What was interesting was the change in Romeo's guitar-playing style as well (occasionally even reminding me of SRV), and this display of versatility on his part was pretty cool.
The first track, "Blackout", had me thinking of "War Pigs", except harder and much more recent...maybe it was the air-raid sirens at the very beginning. Following in a similar vein topic-wise was "Unjustified"...but this song was my one real, significant beef with the album. I simply cannot stand political lyrics, especially because it seems like everybody's jumping on the bandwagon lately. Plus, I've never liked the implication that those who disagree with one's own views are brainwashed or whatever. So, this one might not sit well with some people. But I think you should read the lyrics for yourselves, when you get a chance, and make your own choice. Personally, I cut him some slack since it was his first album and he admits that prior to this he's been uninvolved with the writing side of things; who knows what a more developed writing style will bring about, lyrics-wise?
Moving on from there, we get another classic-rock inspired piece, "Voodoo Hand". It's after this point, just when you think you've figured out what the whole album is going to sound like, that things start to mix around a bit. The lyrics of "Angel", for me, go quite a ways towards making up for my earlier irritation lyric-wise. The softer opening is a first on the album, and I love the SRV-like harmonics that Romeo plays at one point. The next song, entitled "The Distance", which seems to be a song about grieving for a lost love, plays much more on the softer side of Allen's singing voice; the delivery is excellent and makes the song very enjoyable. "Seasons of Insanity" does a total 180 and seems to pay homage to the early roots of metal.
The next song, "Gaia", was one of my absolute favorites on the entire album. Here we have a much more Symphony X-like track (OK, so I admit those are my favorites, but I DO like the other stuff!) complete with orchestration from Romeo, and--according to the liner notes "Everything but the drums and vocals: Romeo". In many ways I'm reminded of something from V: The New Mythology Suite (perhaps "Egypt"?), and I would hope that the next album will use a similar production technique to what we have here. Everything is crystal-clear, perfectly balanced, and every instrument is audible without drowning anybody else out--and lyrically, this is probably one of the better ones. I would be extremely pleased to hear this one at a Symphony X concert, that's for sure!
We make a return to the Southern rock style from earlier in the album with "Loosin' You" (which had a rather comical vocal delivery at times) and "Saucy Jack", but then the album makes another departure just before you start to settle down: "We Will Fly". Pinnella's influence is heavy on this one, and you know it right away during the soft, slow buildup with its vintage synth tones and gorgeous piano. I would say it's on this song where you get the full range of Allen's voice all in one package, from the choral harmonies to the rougher, louder parts. The tune itself is probably also one of the most enticing, and I couldn't help trying some backing vocals on that very first listen. This is one of those songs that you just don't want to end, and I think it would make another excellent one to play live with the entire band. The final track, "Atomic Soul" proper, is a short rocker that reminds me in some strange way of Boston, but I think I like this one better...and that final Hammond...what a nice note to go out on!
Overall, probably a 4/5. Not bad...for a Jersey boy!

(Hey, I lived there for four years...I've earned my right to say that!