Atreyu / Unearth / Norma Jean / Scars of Tomorrow - Louisville, KY - 03/11/05


Forest: Sold Out
Jul 5, 2003
Atreyu / Unearth / Norma Jean / Scars of Tomorrow
Headliners Music Hall – Louisville, KY – March 11th, 2005
By Jason Jordan

Standing in the snow, despite being on the guest list, was how my night began at Headliners Music Hall in Louisville, Kentucky. The “Thick As Thieves World Tour” was in town that night, and I made my way into the venue as the cold-stricken, unfortunate ones stood outside because the show was completely sold-out.

Scar of Tomorrow were the opening band, and began their set even as the metal lemmings were still being ushered in. I stood from a decent, vantage point, and watched while the band spewed forth the metalcore sound that runs so rampant in the scene. I wasn’t too thoroughly impressed with them, but they did urge the audience to get into the music. I’m fairly sure the words “fuck” and “pit” were thrown around liberally as the five-piece prodded the crowd to “tear this place down.” As much as they tried, the audience did not succeed at leveling the venue. So, Scars of Tomorrow were a decent opener, and hopefully they’ll become more valuable in the future.

I made my way to the front of the stage just to make sure that I’d be able to see Norma Jean lambaste their way into the hearts of those present. The boys were most assuredly mesmerizing as they plowed through their too-short set. Their energy was unparalleled by any other performers that particular night; the best way I can describe it is: it looked as if each member of the band was having a seizure – punctuated by insane amounts of strobe lighting by the way – but somehow still managed to retain their balance. Bodies were flailing all over the place, while tunes such as “Dilemmachine,” “Bayonetwork,” and “Face: Face” reverberated throughout Headliners Music Hall. Perhaps the climax of the set was when vocalist Cory commandeered one of the stage lights, and began shining it into the crowd’s visages. Shortly afterwards, one of the two guitarists abandoned all by crowd surfing while playing! All in all, Norma Jean played an energetic, forty-five minutes (or thereabouts) and made a good impression on Kentuckians and non-Kentuckians alike.

Metalcore-purveyors, Unearth, were next in line, and took the stage to a much-enthused audience. They blasted through quite a few numbers found on their latest full-length, entitled The Oncoming Storm. They played “The Great Dividers,” “Black Hearts Now Reign,” among others. Unearth’s stage antics were raucous as well, and one of their guitarists was no less than an attention whore. Can you guess which one he is by looking at the interview pictures?! Anyway, there was a lot of interaction with the fanatics by vocalist Trevor, and the band even took time to meet-and-greet after the set, which was professional and an upstanding move on the quintet’s part. “Slo” let an overjoyed fan play bass during one of their songs, and a security guard involuntarily played a guitar when one of the guitarists draped the guitar over the guard’s massive body. The guitar strap held both individuals to one another. The band then exited the platform, which left everyone anticipating Atreyu that much more.

Now, I’m by no means an Atreyu fan, so I won’t commentate here. Overall, though, the show was a good one.

Ultimatemetal’s Interview with Unearth
Ultimatemetal’s Interview with Norma Jean
Official Atreyu Website
Official Unearth Website
Official Norma Jean Website
Official Scars of Tomorrow Website
Official Headliners Music Hall Website
We got a similar show in Melbourne in 2005 - unearth, norma jean, shadows fall and atreyu...

Unearth stole the show, they were amazing.