att: irish torrent & p2p downloaders

mick thompson

AKA: Ross Canpolat! SM!
Nov 3, 2005
Dublin, Ireland
while reading google irish tech news today i just came across something.

its just coming into law that eircom will enforce a detection of all those who download and upload illegal music, videos etc. this enforcement is trying to be implemented on all irish isp's

its called DetecNet and they plan to get a private firm to pretend to be a host of files and when you go along and download you get reported to eircom and they 1, warn you and after that they disconnect you and potentially sue your ass.

watch your back world, i can see this happening in other countries too

so if ya have to download anything do it in the next few days because were all fucked after that. lol!

personally i dont download illegal shit. just make that clear
Its all over the news today

Its a 3 strikes and your out policy so if you get caught once they warn you twice a second warning get caught a third time and they disconnect your internet service.

Its actually rather genius hit the downloader where it hurts him most his access to porn :OMG: itl put the fear of god into anyone downloading music illegally I tells ya.

FYI you wont be brought to court or anything they just disconnect your internet service its a new strategy from the music industry to fight piracy. And its just the music industry so it will only affect you if you download music. The film and software industry as of yet have no deal with eircom so its as you were if you were downloading that stuff
torrents are far too unreliable, you never really know what type of quality your going to receive or whether its ridden with a fucking virus or worm.

although for anyone who wants to download via a torrent application there are loads of torrent apps that let you set a proxy and almost every hour there are anonymous proxy lists updated on the internet. the detectives will only see its coming from a computer in mexico or china. it is certainly slower but strong pirates out there wont care and keep downloading.
Torrents? Unreliable? Look at the size of the files and you'll be able to guess the bitrate (60MB and less... no biscuit!), and use a real operating system so you don't have to worry about malware. The torrent structure itself is brilliant and a great way to distribute files without a massive load on a single server, and with most clients it doesn't even take a brain to set up a proxy so it'll take work to get to you.

Did you not read the link. It has been aggreed in a settlement i.e the record companys were suing eircom (the company who owns all the states broadband infrastructure) and they came to an out of court settlement.
i do use a fucking reliable os you dope! mac! but you still can receive buggy shit through torrent downloading.

yes true we have all done it in the past or whatever but by doing so your just crippling your own industry that you work, love and play in! ie: the music industry!

thats like getting married and kicking your women in the teeth every day! dont be a scab on society, thats the reason gigs, films, music etc are so fucking expensive.

but meh..the world shall never learn so go 4 it! download till your broadband gives up!