Attack Attack - Attack Attack


Teh Groove Metuhl
May 10, 2010
Calgary, AB
Tried searching to see if there was any info, couldn't find much.
Also didn't find it in the FAQ...

But anyways, not a fan of the music, but the production and mix is awesome on this album.
One of my favorite productions by Joey.

Everything sounds really good.
Especially the drums. (That kick.......)

Could we get a bit of info on the production?

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Was about to make a thread on this today, actually! The bass really stands out for me. It's like the sine bass trick x10. A bit of the production can be given to Caleb because I think he had a healthy bit of contribution towards it.

This album sounds a lot beefier than other albums I find. AC-130 hits like a sledgehammer.
Drums are slate and I want to say the cymbals are from the older WCAR stuff (TPAS)
Bass sounds like the typical nigel

I really dont hear too much of a difference in this from Joey's other stuff. I think I hear more differences in the master than the mix its self.
Drums are slate and I want to say the cymbals are from the older WCAR stuff (TPAS)
Bass sounds like the typical nigel

I really dont hear too much of a difference in this from Joey's other stuff. I think I hear more differences in the master than the mix its self.

I find it's kind of...almost darker?
Lots of low end and low midrange it seems.
Less in your face maybe?

I do love how meaty the drums are. That kick pounds.
On the self-titled Caleb does this thing where he talks into a scream and it sounds awesome. I was just wondering if Joey just used the UAD 1176 or if he used any other compressors in his chain to fit Caleb's vocals. Also, the talked words sound like they may be doubled or something, but idk what it is. Anybody have a clue?
tylerallen said:
On the self-titled Caleb does this thing where he talks into a scream and it sounds awesome. I was just wondering if Joey just used the UAD 1176 or if he used any other compressors in his chain to fit Caleb's vocals. Also, the talked words sound like they may be doubled or something, but idk what it is. Anybody have a clue?

Like this? (first few seconds)
Also he does it in "if you can't ride two horses" I use a delay and do like 60ms panned 70L and 65ms 70R or somethin like that