Attack of the Killer B's appreciation thread


Dec 16, 2002
The release that came out at the absolute peak of Anthrax's popularity, and Joey's last with the band before he was ousted. OK so it's not a full-blown record, but to me it's always been as close to an official album as they could get without it being one, so to speak.

I always hold this record very close to my heart..... it just sums up the fun - yet often brutal - side of Anthrax that made so many of us fans of Anthrax in the first place. Milk, Bring the Noise, Protest, Chromatic, Pipeline, Parasite, are all classic tunes (covers or otherwise), the live PoT tracks are great, and the fun of Posse, I'm the Man 91 and NFB are all killer.

In all - I love this record from start to finish, and it's pretty much as good an Anthrax disc to spin as any of their official records imo.

AotKB can be summed up in 2 words - "good times"!!!!! :D
AOTKB is a typical Anthrax-record, it shows the funny side of the band (Posse), their diversity (Thrash, Rap, Ballad) and their classic metal-relevance (Sabbath Bloody Sabbath) and it was the first record of theirs that i heard in '91, i was totally into Hip Hop back then, Thrax turned me into a metalhead.
AOTKB is a typical Anthrax-record, it shows the funny side of the band (Posse), their diversity (Thrash, Rap, Ballad) and their classic metal-relevance (Sabbath Bloody Sabbath) and it was the first record of theirs that i heard in '91, i was totally into Hip Hop back then, Thrax turned me into a metalhead.

SBS was on the I'm The Man ep though mate.
I found the SOD re-recordings pretty obsolete. I already had Penikufesin on vinyl so I really didn't like them not including Friggin on B's.
But the live songs were cool and I like to play this album for Startin'Up a Posse and Bring The Noise mostly.
@timmyc: I couldn't have put it any better!!

To me, that record came outta nowhere!!

I remember walking into the record store and seeing that album sitting there on the shelf. I turned to my friend and said: "Dude, there's a new Anthrax album!!"

Well, it wasn't actually all new, but it felt just as good as a new one. I absolutely loved the album artwork with the bees going along with the wordplay "B's" and the shot of the Anthrax guys.
Plus, the really cool liner notes by Scott.

Coincidentally, I put this record on just yesterday and cranked the live tunes on there. I was holding the CD in my hand I thought of exactly what I just typed here.
Funny to find this thread here now.

Good times.
Like what most of u have said earlier, this album is truly summarizes the band in a grand way. Love every second of it.

What made me happier was how i manage to get some of my friends to like ANTHRAX ( they loved Posse soo much)

Hope they would play Sect live...that song kicks hard!!
Pipeline is superb, I would love to have seen them shred that up on the 2005 tour. I bought a Ventures best off after reading Scott's liner notes. Overall a superb package of music, artwork and liner notes. Why did they sack Joey.........................................?????????????
this is the most played of my anthrax material (and that includes mountains of live bootlegs) absolutly brilliant ep, im the man 91 i can skip, love the opener milk the most, i wish i had some goddam milk too bad the milkman never came yeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaah yeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr:kickass:
Shit, fuck, satan, death, sex drugs, rape
These seven words you're trying to take
Shit, fuck, satan, death, sex, drugs, rape
Right or wrong it's our choice to make
America the beautiful, Land of the free
Don't change the words to land of Hypocrisy

:kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass:
This was my most favourite Anthrax album before they released SOWN. Now looking back at it I can find some likeness to Volume 8 (the musical diversity).
A wonderful album. So diverse, so unbelievably different from what all the other bands (like Metallica or Slayer) were doing at that time. Every time I listen to this record I get very emotional and recall early 90's, and how young I was, and how less I needed, and... Joey! Give me a tissue...
Yea...Attack of the Killer B's

I picked it up in a Long Island music store I think in Port Jefferson maybe. Was in a hurry with my girlfriend at the time and her friends. I picked up 4 cassettes. Two of Maiden and Persistence of Time and this. Kim was a nice girl, but she just had no clue about banging your head to Anthrax :D. Think i got them in a hurry before I had to head back to Maryland to beat rush hour out of NYC.

But I still listen to Milk, and Chromatic Death a lot. Being im a dad now, I can't play Startin' up a Posse unless im home alone. That Rawhide bass line short of the Dead Kennedy's cover of that song is still awesome to this day.