Attempted ND drum cover


Here is Nowhere
May 13, 2007
Well I said I would try it and here it is. Theres a lot of mistakes, I tried to do like 10 other takes but my legs were about to fall off (f'n triplits Nunez!)so I went with the first one. I've been struggling through this song for awhile because of the odd tempo on the feet, obviously I'm no drum god I just like to do this stuff for fun. This is probably my favorite Novembers Doom song so I've been wanting to try this for awhile. Sorry about the crappy youtube compression :\

when drunk... i once did autumn reflection on a kazoo. i think the shroud of bereavement "review" from that session survived but I'm not sure about the ND cover
Well I said I would try it and here it is. Theres a lot of mistakes, I tried to do like 10 other takes but my legs were about to fall off (f'n triplits Nunez!)so I went with the first one. I've been struggling through this song for awhile because of the odd tempo on the feet, obviously I'm no drum god I just like to do this stuff for fun. This is probably my favorite Novembers Doom song so I've been wanting to try this for awhile. Sorry about the crappy youtube compression.

Very cool, man! I thought the cover was much better than you gave your self credit for.

Also, it takes some serious balls to throw yourself out there for everyone to see/hear. Fucking kudos on that!

when drunk... i once did autumn reflection on a kazoo. i think the shroud of bereavement "review" from that session survived but I'm not sure about the ND cover

In college my roommate and I got trashed one night and decided to cover Pantera's Walk with my ukulele and a bucket for our answering machine. We changed some of the lyrics to fit our purposes. The worst part, however, was that we had no friends that listened to metal, so everyone thought it was totally lame. We loved it, though.
Wow, thanks for all the kind comments guys! Really means a lot to me. :)
Thanks to ND for making fucking kick ass music! :worship: :kickass:

Edit: Forgot to mention as much as I love the song musically, the lyrical theme of the song is heavy too, powerful stuff. I've never even read the lyric booklet and I can hear every word - and the song has no clean vocals! That is a testament to Paul's amazing vocal and writing capabilities.
I'm glad you appreciate Paul's clarity and vocal themes. Those same features are things that he sometimes gets negatively criticised for as well. I think those negative critics are, to put it frankly, fucking retarded. lol.
Oh what is it not cryptic enough? He doesn't write lyrics in old english? Fuck that. You can't please everyone, but to those who complain about crushing decipherable death vocals, great, and personal lyrics should go forth and die. ;)
hahaha yeah exactly. I mean yknow to each their own and all that, I realise it's not going to be to everyone's liking. But some of the overly harsh criticism we receive for it is just ridiculous. Honestly (if you can't already tell by my other replies on this forum lately) I'm just pretty sick of all of it. I can't try to second guess what everyone is gonna like and try to please everyone, I'll drive myself nuts doing that, and I think the rest of the band agrees with me on that. I'm writing music that pleases me at the time I'm writing it, and if it's got brutal vocals, clean vocals, brutally honest and personal lyrics, or cryptic lyrics, etc., whatever Paul feels works best for him at the time, then so be it, that's how it should be.

In recent months we've had fans come forth who've told us about how our music was played at their wedding, or at a loved one's funeral, or how a certain song meant alot to them personally during a difficult time. That shit is what matters to me, not what some cunt of a critic writes about us in his webzine or whatever because he just simply doesn't want to like us.
That was really well played, I enjoyed it.

Also, yes, this song owns in all possible ways.
I really think some people just have this need to criticize, whether they actually feel the way they claim or not. Maybe it makes them feel important, maybe they want to "impress" others with their deep knowledge and insight into what makes great lyrical content. To this I also say "fuck off, you pretentious, self-important assholes"!!! This BS irritates me to no end, and it runs rampant in many forums (thank god not here! - this forum rocks). Paul puts everything out there for people to see, personal and otherwise, so to me that makes ND's music even more important and personally satisfying. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy great music just for the sheer aesthetic value, but I also appreciate someone who actually writes lyrics that make sense and normal people can relate to in a meaningful way, and don't require hours of thought to read into the meaning. That stuff is good too sometimes, but I don't always need to be challenged by music, just moved :) Thanks guys, your music "moves" me, in many different ways :)

And one last thing...doom schmoom, it's great music goddamnit, and leave it at that :headbang:
^ Dude, that post is pure awesomeness. You hit the nail on the head.

On another note, if I ever get good enough to record it...I know which ND cover I want to do next. It's off Pale Haunt, and it's been kicking my ass.