Attending concerts v1.01


Nov 15, 2003
In another thread, I saw it mentioned that the location you take in the venue counts. I've also seen long threads discussing earplugs to boost the sound quality. So, the purpose of this thread is for the more experienced & knowledgable concert-goers to shed light and expand upon these ideas. What are the difference between earplugs? Should your choice of earplugs effect your placement in the venue? etc...
I take earplugs to gigs. Primarily because I value my hearing but also because sometimes when it is really loud, my ears become overwhelmed and I can't actually distinguish the music any more so putting earplugs in reduces the amount of sound going in. The sound quality is improved in that respect, but it doesn't really matter to me where I stand.

Having earplugs means you can get up the front and retain your hearing ability, but sometimes if the gig is loud (or the venue small) then I put them in anyway. If it's not so loud that I don't need earplugs, then I won't put them in, but I have them just in case.

I don't care if people think it isn't "metal" to wear earplugs - I don't think it's metal to have tinnitus.
LOL, I already HAVE tinnitus...I think I was born with it. Thankfully I hear "past" it just fine, even above-average well, but I don't want to take an undue risk. I can tell you, next time I go to a concert, I am taking earplugs. I went to an Eagles concert that was SO BLOODY LOUD that it really did ruin the ability to distinguish instruments and notes, and I can only imagine what a metal concert would be like!
I have only been to concerts at BB Kings in New York. It is small size area and it is enclosed. I would say I stand about 20 meters from the speakers. I saw Strapping Young Lad there and I forgot to bring earplugs. THe show was nice but after I had a ringing in my ear for the rest of the night. I doubt the same effect will occur in an open arena, such as PNC center. However, I will bring the earplugs just in case. I cringe at the thought of loosing my hearing.

I am going to see Rhapsody at BB Kings on the 19th of June. I hope they are not too loud as I would like to hear the other instruments clearly.
Wearing earplugs cuts off your high end frequencies more than your low end frequencies. Have you ever heard the radio on in a car and they shut the door and all you can hear is bass? Same thing. So, if you wear earplugs at a concert you are basically messing with the EQ. If you tend to stick on that mega-bass feature of your stereo and like that, go ahead and wear em. However, most bands EQ their sounds from....where the sound guy sits! The middle/back of the room. So the sound you are hearing in that area is the sound the band WANTS you to hear. I generally trust the judgement of bands, especially those who have good sound on records, and stick with what they provide.
Rose Immortal said:
LOL, I already HAVE tinnitus...I think I was born with it. Thankfully I hear "past" it just fine, even above-average well, but I don't want to take an undue risk. I can tell you, next time I go to a concert, I am taking earplugs. I went to an Eagles concert that was SO BLOODY LOUD that it really did ruin the ability to distinguish instruments and notes, and I can only imagine what a metal concert would be like!

You have never been to a metal concert?
Rose Immortal said:
Not yet, but I would love to. :)

I remember when I was a concert virgin myself. Me and Beelzebub went to see my first concert. It was Amorphis. They had about 5 black metal bands opening and we got so pissed at the extreme suckiness and we left.

I haven't seen a concert of my favorite bands yet, thats why I am so anxious to see Rhapsody and to go to Gigantour.
I've only had one concert instance where I wished I had brought earplugs. Most of the shows I go to are at a smaller venue, or not that loud.....but on Steve Vai's most recent tour, it was LOUD. This wasn't the venue, it was Vai's sound people, because every single review from the tour said the same thing. I actually brought some, but they were the cheap kind that don't really stay in.
SyXified: You are one of the only people I have seen that trust the judgement of the band in terms of mix and live sound.

anyway, great info. keep it coming.
I wouldn't think of earplugs in terms of making it sound better, just if it was too loud. Did anyone else see Steve Vai on this tour? Painfully loud from the rear/center, wasn't bad from over on the side, but when I moved to the center of the balcony not only was it hurting my ears, but it was so loud the instruments kind of just fused together into noise on the busy tracks, like "I'm The Hell Outta Here" with three guitars and a bass.

Oh, and do all bands have a soundguy they take with them that does the mix? I kind of thought that for non-big bands, it was just some guy that worked at the venue that did the mix.
Gigantour will be my first real concert aside from some school stuff, a short classic rock show that I didn't even pay attention (because I went with my friends and his dad wanted to see the band), and a local battle of the bands. So I've never seen any of my fav bands play. What a way to start off seeing two of my top fav bands, Nevemore and Symphony X!

I really don't know what to expect when it comes to sound. I'll be trying to find seats in the middle area to get the best sound possible, but I still have no clue how to preserve my ears both during and after the concert. Any suggestions for my first concert?
bball_1523 said:
Gigantour will be my first real concert aside from some school stuff, a short classic rock show that I didn't even pay attention (because I went with my friends and his dad wanted to see the band), and a local battle of the bands. So I've never seen any of my fav bands play. What a way to start off seeing two of my top fav bands, Nevemore and Symphony X!

I really don't know what to expect when it comes to sound. I'll be trying to find seats in the middle area to get the best sound possible, but I still have no clue how to preserve my ears both during and after the concert. Any suggestions for my first concert?

Lol...if there is a pit you MUST, ABSOLUTELY MUST, partake in the hardcore-ninja-dancing. :tickled:


and that goes for you too Rose Immortal. :)
I'm not a mosher, I'm one of the people that gets there early, gets a front-row spot on the rail, and hell will freeze over before I give that spot up! Haha...

Those earplugs linked to up above work really well, everything sounds good through them. Earplugs just annoy me after a little while though. Most of the time I'll wear them for the opening bands and by the time the headliner gets on they're bugging me too much.

I really should have started wearing 'em a while ago, as I have a lot of trouble hearing people when they talk quietly, or when it's a loud place like a bar. Kind of really sucks. Don't listen to anyone who says earplugs are stupid, your hearing is more important than trying to impress some strangers.
Selppinevoli said:
I'm not a mosher, I'm one of the people that gets there early, gets a front-row spot on the rail, and hell will freeze over before I give that spot up! Haha...

I am with you on this man!! I was at a Behemoth show a while back in this tiny little club/bar where the stage was only elevated a foot or two above the floor, so the fans were practically on stage. I got a spot front and center, and the singer is definitely the in-your-face screaming w/ corpse paint, spiked gauntlets and all the madness that is associated with gore/death metal.

Joke all you want about how ridiculous the paint and metal spikes are, that was a freakin awesome show! I almost hate to say it, but shows like that are more about the experience than the actual music o_O
so are earplugs necessary for gigantour? For those who saw SX before, did you wear earplugs? I have no idea what to expect because this is my first metal show and I want hear the bands as clearly as possible and want to preserve my hearing.
Depends where you're standing. If you're up the front, then probably it's best to wear them. My advice is to take a pair anyway and decide when you're there.
i don't wear them because it really doesn't make a difference to me. their sound system is never as loud as my amp is when i play, relatively speaking since i'm so much closer to it. so it doesn't even register for me as an issue. i like loud music, loud enough to feel it. as to where you stand, generally teh closer you get, the more it matters. if you're in the front, then being on the far side really messes up the EQ as does being really, really, really far away.