PPUSA/SymX lunch

wchuck said:
At least it is in your country, I live like 9000 miles away from it...:(

There's nothing here in Germany, well...ROCK AM RING, but there are probably only 2 bands every year I like.
Hmm...but it's not far to the SWEDEN ROCK FESTIVAL, where SX sadly didn't play this year

isnt there a little thing called Wacken Open Air in Germany...?
only one of the biggest metal festivals in the world...

and Ptah, Atlanta isnt that great.

and oh, i might go to that lunch thing
Ptah Khnemu said:
It's not fair. Why does ProgPower always have to be in Atlanta. :waah: I think after college, I should move to Atlanta, for the sole purpose of being able to go to ProgPower every year.

why dont you go Atlanta for college, that way, you get to hang out with me!! :rock: :p
Okay here's what I have so far for people who plan to attend the lunch (list includes both TEoF and forum people); please let me know if I missed you..

Greg (aka shaq)
JayDubya +1
Krusty +1
Rick Pierpont & Barb
Matt & Nicki Brookins (maybe)
Paul Jannotta
Dan Bynum
Deb O'Hara
Debbie Seeger
Kevin & Lorraine Gardner
Scott Strittmatter (maybe)
Justin (maybe)
John Hough
Drew Stevens
rockyracoon (maybe)
Glenn F
Manda & Kris
Matt Moliti
Andrew (maybe)
Amanda Carlson
Jason Birzer
Rich May
Bobby Williamson +3
Ann Marie (+1?)
Jaen (maybe)
Thanks to everyone who attended the SymX/TEoF lunch on Saturday in Atlanta! I'm so sorry I had to leave early, but it was a lot of fun while I was there! It was nice to put faces to some new names, as well; hope to see you all there again next year!
And yes, I'm a complete BASTARD for NOT being there.... :(

I was kidnapped by a trio of Swedes, forced to drink beer, then was awakened, and dragged off for late breakfast, early lunch.

The sign above Jax's doghouse now reads "J-Dubya"

Ptah Khnemu said:
Sounds like J-Dubs had a kickin' time at ProgPower.

Yep!Best Prog Power EVER. 5 years of work & hope were realized Friday night.

I still can't talk, and when I do, I sound like a 42 year old guy going through puberty!

it was awesome, Nathan Block (Sword Lord for some) was kind and cool enough to let me crash on his couch in his hotel room saturday morning (we went to bed around 6:30 am where i got a full three and a half hours of sleep after a long night of partying and an early morning treck to the waffle house). Mattias IA Eklundh was definitely the most liked figure of the whole festival, that guy is one of the coolest dudes i've ever met.
J-Dubya 777 said:
The sign above Jax's doghouse now reads "J-Dubya"

Naah, I told you that you were forgiven (you did, indeed, have the only excuse I'd have accepted, after all ;) )..the look on your face when you realized that you'd missed the lunch was classic "oh, shit.." though.. :lol:
Bah! I'm still pissed! You had that motherly-just-got-busted-look
when you said, "We missed you at the luncheon...."

DOH! (lol, a little, now)

When I woke up saturday, I was dragging ass a little bit, and all of a sudden, Jimmy tells me, "oh shit, they're here!" (we had a room facing the courtyard...) There is no way to turn it down, life is too freakin' short. Awe factor disappeared after meeting them on Thursday. After that, it was like hanging out with old friends.....and a little surreal.......:D

Scored points with some homemade gifts I brought them, old kiss, Ac/DC, & Van Halen dvds for Chris & Bjorn, and a pile of Zappa stuff that I KNEW IA would really like. I think my first e-mail I ever sent him was about Zappa.

I asked IA Saturday what he thought about maybe coming back next year, if the opportunity was there, and he said they may be back in the states before then, but even after copious amounts of alcohol, neither he, or any of the others would budge with any info... All he said (with a smile) was "Freaky things come to those who wait..." I heard that like 5 years ago..... ;)

J-Dubya - Still in the D-House
Jaen said:
it was awesome, Nathan Block (Sword Lord for some) was kind and cool enough to let me crash on his couch in his hotel room saturday morning (we went to bed around 6:30 am where i got a full three and a half hours of sleep after a long night of partying and an early morning treck to the waffle house).

Nathan(Swordlord) is just one of the nicest people you will ever meet. Sounds like you had a great time! As did I.
HAHAHAHA! Quote me all you want! It'll only get you in trouble!
Awesome to see you & Rick go ape shit for Freak Kitchen!
It'll make up for you wanting to play "Africa" by Toto.....

Jax said:
Hey, I like that song. :p

Oh GAWD! :Puke: :Puke: :Puke:
Great band when they want to be, but that tune just sucks the life out of me, and craps it back in my face. That song makes me want to hurt people at random...... :heh:
