Attention Bands who played Saturday.

To the bands who played saturday Slag, Lastline, Rapid burial, Hardliner I got money from the show. We stopped taking money at the door when Slag got because I had to leave after Darryl got into a brawl on stage. Sorry Slag, I really wanted to check out your set. I was wondering though if anyone caught the Killing and if anything was said negative about METAL or Myself Setting up this show. I heard this whole thing was planned.
I don't know what happened last night. We were all loaded. We brought some of our gear to our jam spot after we got offstage so we missed most of the Killing's set.

We got back and people were talking about the incident. We were wondering what happened to you guys. Someone said you hurt your hand on someone's head, or Darryl busted his hand so I figured you guys left because of that.

I still really don't know what happened. All I remember is that we had like 40 drinks on our bar tab and I know that was impossible. haha We gave the bartender 85 bucks because that's all we had. If the club wants the extra 10-15 bucks for our tab, you can take it out of whatever money was supposed to be given to us. Hope that's not an inconvenience.

Shit got pretty fucked up last night. I don't know where all this bad blood started.
it was last line posing as slag to get booze...

actually no but i'd say by the sounds of it that someone was "eating out of your bowl"

thats shitty....whats shittier is that i missed your set...i had to leave early so i missed your set AND the brawl..

anyway i'm sure there will be more shows and more brawls for me to see in the future...

over and out.

" jack and coke.....put it on last liiiiiiiiimean slag's tab.....buuuurrrrrp"
Well, yes, Careen was our bassist, and what he did last night was based on his own judgement, i'm not agreeing or disagreeing with what he did

It's not like Losing Face planned it

Actually in the end he wasn't playing bass for us
we're a broken up band.

I'd justlike to clarify that up.

I don't really feel what went down last night was cool or whatever and theres nothing personal with me and noel./asphyxiation in any way minus the fact that i left one of my sets of sticks at his show and never got them back.

well it's true but i dont' care.

And to Devin, theres no difference in you being called out, at a show, then you calling Pete yassir erefat of straight edge on a public message board.

I'm still down with that boxing match.
Fuck you, fuck you!! I want that Necromandus sooooo bad.

"And to Devin, theres no difference in you being called out, at a show, then you calling Pete yassir erefat of straight edge on a public message board.

I'm still down with that boxing match."

The difference is between a msg board 10 people go to and from a stage to a bar full of people is quite a number I'd say.
But that's irrelevant because I don't care, I'm just wondering if they did. Actually, I hope they did, because if so I'm gonna laugh my ass off.

Boxing? Anytime.:p
To Dominic, I still have your set of drum sticks. I've been waiting for you to contact me. The way I look at it. A set of drum sticks is a set of drum sticks. Whoopdy doo. It's like a guitar pick. But, If you want themm, all you have to do is tell me where to send them too you. I don't need your drum sticks considering I have literally hundreds to choose from. No joke.

Email Me
Originally posted by slagmusic
I don't know what happened last night. We were all loaded. We brought some of our gear to our jam spot after we got offstage so we missed most of the Killing's set.

We got back and people were talking about the incident. We were wondering what happened to you guys. Someone said you hurt your hand on someone's head, or Darryl busted his hand so I figured you guys left because of that.

I still really don't know what happened. All I remember is that we had like 40 drinks on our bar tab and I know that was impossible. haha We gave the bartender 85 bucks because that's all we had. If the club wants the extra 10-15 bucks for our tab, you can take it out of whatever money was supposed to be given to us. Hope that's not an inconvenience.

No, Inconvenience I'll straigten this up today.

Shit got pretty fucked up last night. I don't know where all this bad blood started.

Well, Darryl was loaded drunk and was very easily taken advantage of his state. He really never had a chance as you already know. NO ONE, I don't give a fuck who it is has the right no matter who says what, to interfer with a band's set. Personally, I'm not tolerating people interfering with show I set up. Myself and the by's are certainly not gonna let someone from the crowd ATTACK our vocalist. There's nothing wrong with my hand it's fine. We left because Darryl was out it.

Plus, we were all pissed off. We stopped taking money at the door when you guys got up and everything. Joe's amp was busted cause the by's fell into it. It's fine now though. The next Metal show by us will not be at MCMURDO'S or CALIOS. We have something else alot fucking bigger planned. This time with our own security.
Originally posted by Stringvulture
Great Show Last night guys!
Best of luck with the cd I'll be sure to get the cd this week hope i can get one at freds

DAN, I GOT A OBERON CD FOR YOU MAN. I'll PHONE you today I got drop off some cash too you as well. GREAT SHOW. HARDLINER'S set was ripping brother. Thanks for playing and I'll see you soon.

Cheers and more metal beers.

Cheers and Beers!
Dan Moore
Hey dude
No i was just stating that i don't have a problem with you personally or at all for any matter, i was using the drum stick thing as sarcasm.

I was kidding, i don't care, i thought one of them were lost at the show anyway i remember using someone elses.

But i was just posting to clarify what went down wasn't anything to do with the 2 bands, it was just something that went down.

I wasn't even there i heard about it when i got there :rolleyes: