Attention! Hartford show on May 6. CANCELLED

St Enigma

Sep 11, 2005
EST 10:00 AM May 6. 2008

May.06.2008 - Tonight's show in Hartford is cancelled !!

Just a few minutes ago, the band's management sent the following message: "The Mexico City airport staff left the four most important cases of our backline in Mexico, so the show tonight in Hartford will be cancelled. We are very, very sorry about this, but there is nothing we can do without certain pieces of our own gear."


It's nuts. Their has to be a direct cargo flight from Helsinki to JFK.
Ray, I'm sure there is, but it's no big help when their gear is stuck at Mexico City airport after the couple of gigs they played there... :Smug:

First an airline cancelled two weeks ago the only suitable gargo flight they could have used to get their gear hauled from Mexico to New Jersey for the first gig of this leg in the USA, and they had to cancel it, now the airport stuff fail loading their equipment in time and another gig goes down the sewer :rolleyes:

There have to be some extremely pissed off musicians around in NYC waiting for their gear to arrive today :p

Ray, I'm sure there is, but it's no big help when their gear is stuck at Mexico City airport after the couple of gigs they played there... :Smug:

First an airline cancelled two weeks ago the only suitable gargo flight they could have used to get their gear hauled from Mexico to New Jersey for the first gig of this leg in the USA, and they had to cancel it, now the airport stuff fail loading their equipment in time and another gig goes down the sewer :rolleyes:

There have to be some extremely pissed off musicians around in NYC waiting for their gear to arrive today :p


You mean Tuomas actually gets pissed?
You mean Tuomas actually gets pissed?
Yeah :zombie: Please don't tell anyone, but he must be at least partially human... o_O

It's told in "The Book" how a long time ago he was seen getting so pissed that he grabbed a ball (must have been the evil black 8 :ill: ) from a pool table and throwing it at the wall! You can't even imagine the man's rage... :err:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :p

Yes, at this point of their career Nw are able to stand occasional loss of income from a gig, but considering their work ethics, being forced to betray the fans is much worse dilemma for them to cope with. Jarmo said on the Finnish side of board that everyone in the band was really down because of what happened. Sometimes life just sucks.