Attention KISS fans...


Miserable Bastard
Apr 16, 2001
Enfield, South Australia
Visit site
I just found some info about a video from a company called CineHollywood titled "KISS: Live In Brazil 1983."

Anyone know much about it? I've always wanted to see some decent quality footage from the Creatures tour, and would love to own a copy of this :).

I *think* it's the same TV special that went to air in Brazil at the same time as the tour. I saw a bootleg of it once and really enjoyed it.

Also on the subject of KISS TV specials, I wouldn't mind tracking down the Inner Sanctum doco from Australia 1980, or the episode of "Solid Gold" (an American variety show) from early '82, which features rare live versions of songs from "The Elder."

All help is appreciated!

I'm not sure about the Rio video... all I know is that through the fan club you can order that show, pro-shot. Its runing time is 45 minutes though, I doubt that would be the full show. That'd be great to own as it was Kiss' last makeup show before the reunion tour.

About the other stuff, I may have it. I'll have a look tonight, but I have a video of interview footage with Kiss from 1980-83, most of it is Australian, but there is one from America which is songs from The Elder being played, so I'll check it out and get back to you. Its really really bad quality though... looks like a 5th generation dub of stuff taped from TV haha.
Trent, you're a genius! Which fan club is this? I used to belong to Crazy Knights, but that one folded a few years ago.

Thanks also for the info on the other stuff. I can remember a few details about Solid Gold ('cos I watched it one Sunday afternoon when I was about five) that'll make it easier to work out if we're talking about the same thing here...

It starred a puppet that looked very similar to Ossie Ostrich. In this ep, he wore a Paul Stanley star over one eye and asked Eric Carr for makeup advice :lol:

After the band performed a song (I think it was either "The Oath" or "I"), Gene walked through the studio audience and bowed to every single one of them. Does that ring any bells?

Hey Wrathchild
I have the inner sanctum ( on a tape with some other goodies )
I'm always keen to look for a trade.
I live in Glenelg
I have many cool KISS videos so i can email you a list if youre keen