Attn: Alex

I'll get tix myself because I'm probably going with a bunch of people.

Also, the only thing wrong with the description is that they are not really that fat. unfortunately.

And the guy singing is Atilla from Mayhem I believe.

I just got in last night, btw.
im scared, but i guess i will go & see what this is all about. if there are too many robes/it seems wiccan i might bounce tho (or sacrifice azal to them)
also alex does your girlfriend work every single weekend? i thought i'd ask her to go shopping with me sometime??
AND i did give her resume to TWO people over the weekend when i was in MA who work in film here. so maybe that'll do something. AND someone at Time Inc.
i'm trying!
i guess i didn't realize the implication in this thread that azal is back in the US. WHOA. i'd go just to say hi to him. although the sunn show is actually coming to an american legion hall in wallingford, ct the day before that so i might go to that one.
I'd like to add in this thread that I tried Sparks last night and have reached the comclusion that jake is a straight fag.

Also, greg, come to nyc so I can steal some of your shit!

I love being on vacation, I've already had 4 budweisers.

Except they hired some non native speaking guy to do the news site while I'm away and it's embarassing, so I think I'm going to start editing the news just to save face for the company because I'm such a nice and valuable employee.
OK, I just bought three tickets, whoever wants them just come to the show. I'll make sure you get my cell beforehand as this is willcall so... Perhaps we can meet for dinner or something? Super weirdo clash of the universes dinner...
I want one of those tickets. I'm clearing my schedule.

Amanda, that's awesome! Aysha does work most weekends but she is free here and there. she just got a second job waiting tables 2x or 3x per week so that makes her even busier (and more desperate for a real job) so who knows her hours now. they're fucked this week, though.
Cool Alex, Nick-Goatschool, let me know if you want to come it would be cool to see you.

Greg, if you come this time I promise I'll give you a hug as I was too awkward to do it last time....