60 metonymies video

Hi, new guy here !

Just out of curiosity (I'm not in a label or something like that), what is the estimated cost of such a project ?

As for the video, I'm not able to see it either. Maybe using some hosting tool like filefactory.com would help ?
despite the deceptively small-sounding scale of the recordings that have shown up on the interent, I plan on the studio version of this being pretty involved with an ensemble and other stuff... I would say this record would cost $5000 in preproduction - which is less than a Kayo Dot record but still more than many independent labels can afford to give.
Get some young buck going to school to record it and let you have full reign of the project. Take after retake, edit it at will, etc. It doesn't have to cost that much. If you want to do it, do it, don't whine and complain that no one will give you money for it. Find a way. Or, like what Forbes said.
i don't recall whining or compaining about it at all; someone asked about it being recorded, and i gave a de facto estimate. i need to use the budget for other stuff besides an engineer pushing buttons and positioning mikes for me
FuSoYa said:
i don't recall whining or compaining about it at all; someone asked about it being recorded, and i gave a de facto estimate. i need to use the budget for other stuff besides an engineer pushing buttons and positioning mikes for me

woah, woah woah.

i thought the last name was driver not o'berst. quit with all the whining dude.
