Teens Charged in 'Mortal Kombat' Death

SC3 will pretty much be the best fighter ever... until SFIV comes out, assuming it doesn't turn out like any of the EX games - and it shouldn't from what the EGM interview showed. :p online fighting ftw.

All jokes aside, as for the case... I think the mortal kombat accusation is bullshit and blown out of proportion.

The first piece of shit said he was drunk. I'd imagine they were both pretty drunk and said just about anything to the authorities to get attention. As dumb as him and his girlfriend were, they probably knew what they were doing and had every intent to kill the kid. Kids today love becoming celebrities whenever they commit a crime. If it's not this, or shooting up a school, its beating up some hobo and posting it on youtube. :\

It's too bad underage drinking and sociopathic behavior will be ruled out once Jack Thompson starts to fuck this case in the ass.