Best prank ever?

The Ozzman

Melted by feels
Sep 17, 2006
In My Kingdom Cold

HOLLIDAYSBURG — State police are helping Williamsburg, Blair County, authorities find whomever spiked a pregnant teenage girl’s drink with a drug used to abort pregnancies in cows, a drug they think was stolen from a Williamsburg farm, according to a release.

The pregnant girl’s beverage was tainted with Prostamate sometime between 7 a.m. and 4 p.m. March 31 at Williamsburg High School, police said. Troopers are considering the act an aggravated assault upon the girl and her unborn baby, police said.

State police think whomever was responsible was trying to abort the girl’s unborn child, the release indicates.
The drug and a syringe also were reported stolen from a farm in Huston Township, Blair County, police said.
The investigation is continuing.

I call this drink...the FALCON PUNCH!
cattle abortion?

why? they're useful no matter what. you can let them grow into cows, or make a beefburger, or, if either of those aren't viable, tan the hide. and if that doesn't work... well, there are many, many uses for a cow. target practice... medical testing... satanic rituals when a goat is unavailable...

unlike human babies. useless things.