Teens Charged in 'Mortal Kombat' Death

It's a tragic story.

What the fuck were these morons doing playing Mortal Kombat anyway ? When Street Fighter is readily available on the net ?

Oh hang on, yeah, they were morons.
Soul Calibur is far superior to Mortal Kombat, but it uses weapons exclusively, which I suppose those poor morons couldn't afford.
I also love the Soul Calibur series.

Though I wish Sega would do the right thing and re-issue a next-gen version of Saturn uber-fighter, Fighters Megamix.
Geez, maybe instead of performing cpr while drunk, they could've ended their battle on a kind note with a FRIENDSHIP!!
Geez, maybe instead of performing cpr while drunk, they could've ended their battle on a kind note with a FRIENDSHIP!!

lmfao kung lao throws his hat for the dog to catch and it dies, best ever!

This might be the most relevant video to this...now that we're all done going "wow wtf?":

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The parents of America are failing. Well...at least some of them.

Sadly it is doubtful the media and politicians will be pointing their fingers in that direction. Personal accountability doesn't seem to exist anymore nowadays.
Soul Caliber is pretty good. I pwn with Raphael. Mortal kombat is better when it comes to strategizing fights, it's harder to button mash and win.

I'm awesome with Mitsurugi. I can't wait for Soul Calibur IV.

I don't play Mortal Kombat as much because of the crappy blocking. After pressing and holding the block button, it takes like half a second to start blocking, instead of being instant.