Best prank ever?

Stop signing your god damn posts. GR can do it because he's always done it, you guys are just hopping on the failwagon.

It's fun, amazing, otherwise a good time, and fun being redundant, overstating things, saying them more than once, or being redundant!
Headbanging bananas are awesome, I can't deny it.
Banana Assault is awesome-er.

They were. Aggravated assault. Anyone else think that's a really random charge? Assault, fine, but...aggravated? How was it aggravated?
Aggravated assault

Aggravated assault is, in some jurisdictions, a stronger form of assault, usually using a deadly weapon.[1] A person has committed an aggravated assault when that person:

* attempts to cause serious bodily injury to another person; or
* causes such injury purposely, knowingly, or recklessly in circumstances where the person has exhibited indifference to human life; or
* attempts or causes bodily injury to another person with a deadly weapon.

Aggravated assault is usually differentiated from simple assault by the offender's intent (i.e., to murder, to rape etc.), the extent of the injury to the victim, or the use of a deadly weapon, although legal definitions vary between jurisdictions. Sentences for aggravated assault are generally more severe, reflecting the greater degree of harm or malice intended by the perpetrator.
oh, my bad. I always thought "aggravated" implied...aggravation? I feel kinda silly now.
Assault with a weapon would be A&B with a deadly weapon, though.