ATTN Artists: Need a T-Shirt Design...

Glenn Fricker

Very Metal &Very Bad News
Mar 6, 2005
22 Acacia Avenue
Hey guys,

I need some seriously cool artwork for a T-shirt design for my studio.... I can't draw worth shit.
I'll be willing to pay cash/trade for reamping depending on what you need. If interested, PM me.

How about putting your Avatar/sig on a t-shirt? It's a pretty bitchin' logo, who'd you get to design it?
I'll take 'em for free then :p just kidding.

Whatever you get worked out in the end hit me up though; you do a mean job in all that you do, totally worth promoting to others.
Fuck yeah, I'd buy one too, cuz it's a bitchin' design and I'd love to come record there some time! What's this about taxes, though? Surely I could just send you a non-descript paypal payment and you mail me shirt without attracting the attention of the Canadian IRS...

good friend of mine... does some cool shit.

you can try talking to him. Tell him I sent you.

- J