We need a t-shirt design!

I wasnt trying to bash on you dude! ;)
I just hate those effects for some reason, probably because i see them everywhere(I use them too, but very differently from the "majority".). :p

"Spooge balls, bloody vaginal belch!"
"You guys, don't laugh. It makes me feel insecure about my illness."

Does that answer your question? :lol:
By the way, that episode is just so how i am IRL. :D

"I got a golden ticket... I got golden twinkle in my eyes..." :) :) :)

I and our singer like metal overloads idea a lot but as metaltastic said it's a bit too tribal.

I'm so thankfull for your help you can't imagine. thanks dudes!

We just came from a show and it 4:30 in the morning. Gotta see Le Petit Tourette now anyway :)

edit: had to edit my message 4 times... haha. I gotta sleep :-D
Emdprodukt, your music is pretty good! Girl growl sounds nice along with it too, hah ^^

I recently painted this BITCH, so I know how to handle the brushes in Photoshop atleast. I'm not much into using effects but I might give it a shot and see if my brush handling can be combined with something else to make a logo.

Thing is though, I will probably go for readability as first prio because I don't see any meaning in a logo that is questionable for its readability. Do you guys want a cool and flashy logo as a first prio, or do you want people to be able to read it? Otherwise I won't bother trying if it's the first option you go for :P

it SHOULD be readable but the first priority is to make it look cool on it's own. it should be just the name. hatesphere did it somehow. thereÄs nothing fancy about their logo but it looks good by itself.
you should probably get intouch with this guy about his prices.. i don't think he charges much. i also remember him saying if he likes your band he'd give you the design for half price! saying that, it was afew years ago when i asked..but i suppose you could still ask him?


i also might have a pop at this later, if you don't mind?
Here's my idea.


I tried to base it on elements from your original logo on your myspace. I made it from scratch so i can edit any little swirl or spike whatever just ask me and I can change the edit to something else, just ask me. Tell me if you like it :) thanks

Here's my idea.


I tried to base it on elements from your original logo on your myspace. I made it from scratch so i can edit any little swirl or spike whatever just ask me and I can change the edit to something else, just ask me. Tell me if you like it :) thanks


That's really cool!

My favourite so far is this:


It pleases my eye the most, but it's not as metal in the traditional way as the others :)
Here's my idea.


I tried to base it on elements from your original logo on your myspace. I made it from scratch so i can edit any little swirl or spike whatever just ask me and I can change the edit to something else, just ask me. Tell me if you like it :) thanks


aaaah, I can't see the picture :(

It pleases my eye the most, but it's not as metal in the traditional way as the others :)

Haha, yeah, definitely not metal indeed, reminds me of goth teenage girl doodling, no thanks :heh:

And I dig your Gobblywobbly, though maybe the texture on the words is a bit much (looks like a cave wall through a red filter), and it shows up fine here EMD!
I think the fact that the Scribly unmetal one looks unmetal makes it a lot cooler than the played out tired ass unreadable fonts that everyone and their mother likes to rep.

Gobbly's is pretty cool. I like the color scheme.
haha i just saw an advert on tv and that one is pretty similar to the narnia font. LOL. this isnt in a competetitive form btw I just think its funny


and it does look like a J hahaha. i can change that though cause its just a shape i drew on programme. and i can change the texture to anything so basically. if you like it, tell me exactly what you want and i can sort it for you
haha i just saw an advert on tv and that one is pretty similar to the narnia font. LOL. this isnt in a competetitive form btw I just think its funny



yes, it seems so. as are all fonts related to something. as you may have noticed I'm posting based on fonts, as are 99% of clean bandnames on the market because a font is easy to translate onto any other media...

besides that, the graphics department who did the narnia logo might indeed have used the same font, I don't see nothing against it, it's a nice font anyways, they just changed the R, haha :P
yeah dude i know haha. I just noticed it and i thought..... hmmm. Narnia is about as metal as it gets :P haha. Thats why I tried making my fonts from like, scratch. But i often just edit existing ones to make interesting designs that are still basic and readable but have an element of originality. Like the flick on the 'R' in narnia. Makes it stand out and be origingal. It is a cool font though.
But i often just edit existing ones to make interesting designs that are still basic and readable but have an element of originality. Like the flick on the 'R' in narnia. Makes it stand out and be origingal.

actually that's what I'm doing right now. it is my second step, the first one being to throw out some general ideas to get a direction and then working from there. it just takes a couple of minutes to use some fonts and when I see that idea x gets attention I work from there. just my way of doing it, if you do logos from scratch and it works for you that's great but that way isn't efficient enough with my work ethic. see, let's say the band doesn't like your logo, so you've spent more time doing it from scratch than me throwing out some fonts which I selected with my gut and if I hit an interest the possibility is much higher that they'll like the end-result, after refining it and making it look more individual or less-narnia for that matter :cool:
haha fair enough. Nah I wasn't putting your idea down. Your way is probably better. I make logos for fun aswell. Because I am a student and I have a lot of free time because... well... school sucks and I'm still in christmas mode ;) I look forward to seeing the final one. Eddie