ATTN: Cubase SX and DFHS Users:


Hamster Style
Jun 19, 2005
Maybe some of you have run into this problem?

If I do New Project / Empty, and then go to Devices / Drummer I get a yellow exclamation dialog box claiming:

"Can not use Drummer. Close Drummer and try again."

However, if I use the Cubase template that came with latest 1.5.3 DFHS update (file: CubasePC.cpr) Drummer loads as VST and I can begin programming.

OK. Device / Drummer was trying to pull up a ReWire instance.

Still having an issue in that I cannot load DFHS by choosing Devices / VST Instruments and then adding it. I can only access it by using the template.
Nevermind - Got it solved. Issue with my sonar plugin folder and steinberg plugin folder.

All sorted. Thanks for the replies, guys. =)
I like SX3 for the most part, but I wish that you could route a group channel you just made to one you already had instead of it only allowing linear bussing. And also not being able to route FX Channels to Group channels is pretty lame.
Hey - it's not perfect. I think Sonar has the advantage when it comes to bussing and FX order, but as a Sonar guy for the last 5 years, SX3 is a welcome change for me and what I do. I thought Sonar was the king for MIDI editing, but the SX3 key edit/drum edit beats it hands down.

Brett - You can enable/disable several tracks in one go if you use folders, unless you are referring to something else??
Ahh... got'chya. Like the "archive" feature in Sonar that makes certain tracks go completely offline/bypasses them.

I'm assuming you've dug deep and were unable to find such a feature in SX? I'm still learning the app. but if I find a way to do that, I'lll let you know. Surely it must be possible.
Is it me or does SX/Nuendo not completely mute tracks unless they are disabled? I've been getting 'bleed' from my guitar tracks whilst solo'ing my drums, which is theoretically impossible since I mix ITB and the guitar tracks are oberdubbed.
So it's just the both of you ;)
I assume you made sure your guitar tracks were not sent to an aux or FX Channel something ... That never occured to me yet but I'm ready for this kind of strange behaviour to happen...
Did someone else notice that playing a project with big and long audio files is easier (less glitches and drop outs) if you split them in different regions ? Not splitting the files, just the regions... That's weird...
Razorjack said:
Is it me or does SX/Nuendo not completely mute tracks unless they are disabled? I've been getting 'bleed' from my guitar tracks whilst solo'ing my drums, which is theoretically impossible since I mix ITB and the guitar tracks are oberdubbed.

thats very odd! in fact, it hurts my brain thinking about it. i would listen to brett and check if your guitar tracks are being sent to your drum reverb bus. thats usually the problem for me when i hear gtr ambience. maybe you just have the riffs stuck in your head? :loco:
Brett - You are correct, sir. Unable do disable/enable multiple tracks simultaneously. Maybe in SX 4? I am willing to live with this, though. Does seem odd though, doesnt it?

Razor and Jerry - I have not encountered the bleed issue you two are speaking of. Hope I never do.
Brett - K A L I S I A said:
not being able to change plugins orders in a channel, and...

Geez, they solved it great in Wavelab's Master Section, why can't they implement that in SX?!
Or it's probably they can, but won't, cause they keep that as a big news for SX 4.x :tickled:

It's probably like Brett said, the FX channels which are still on. I had similar dilemmas and once I saw that muting the channel doesn't mute the FX channel it's routed to - it was all clear :D
SickBoy said:
It's probably like Brett said, the FX channels which are still on. I had similar dilemmas and once I saw that muting the channel doesn't mute the FX channel it's routed to - it was all clear :D

It's certainly nothing to do with FX channels, it's something that appears and then disappears. It seems like a glitch in the audio engine, I was just wondering if others experienced this.