ATTN: Ember's Fade


New Metal Member
Oct 10, 2002
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The Video Dead and Get Stabbed are putting off a cd release show next weekend. We'd really like to know if you're interested in playing. My apologies on the short notice.
Get me on icq: 125973677
or email: as I may not come back to check this.
Thanks, please respond soon.
Unfortunatly, we won't be able to play this show. We're currently getting new material ready and preparing for the show on Halloween at McMurdo's, plus this week isn't going to be a good time for jamming, so we won't be able to practise. If you throw any other shows in the future, contact us though.
Actually, we're postponing that until the 1st. It would be absolute insanity to get everything done within a week. I emailed Rob M. regarding it. I'm not sure if he received it or not. So would you be interested in playing on the 1st of November?