since we don't have a shameless we want a date thread this year...

Wishmaster said:
Friday & Saturday, after the show, most of the fun will be at the various parties in the different hotels (mainly the Grenada and Residence). Y'all should come hang out and see what random band members may drop in. It's always a blast.


Dammit, for some reason I thought the Granada was all booked up, and didn't bother looking into it. Assuming that, I figured a decent sized group would be at the Hampton, so I went with that instead of the usual fare beside the Four Seasons, I forget its name. The Mariott, maybe?

edit: And to reply to the point of the message, I plan on stopping by the hotels...I'm looking more for something during the day, or on wednesday night or late thursday.

second edit: in hindsight, that should not have been my hotel of choice.
There will be Canadian beer at our party. Two of the people staying in our room are driving down from Buffalo and bringing lots of tasty Molson and other Canadian beer.

Even if you guys don't plan on drinking, you should still stop by and hang out... it's going to be a blast. :)
Curufin said:
There will be Canadian beer at our party. Two of the people staying in our room are driving down from Buffalo and bringing lots of tasty Molson and other Canadian beer.

Even if you guys don't plan on drinking, you should still stop by and hang out... it's going to be a blast. :)

Top floor of the Granada, eh? Any night in particular?

edit: Apparently I'm blind.
Mama Babs hugs all the broken-hearted peeps. It'll be ok. Progpower is wonderful in meeting good friends who get you over the rough spots where affairs of the heart are concerned. I applaud the two people on this list that have put themselves out there.

Tons of us single people at Progpower. What's funny is Progpower has become such a sacred part of my life, that I can't imagine having a date for it (lol) - why detract from the show? Or I guess if I were to have a date at the show, someone would have to love my music as much as I do. No way I could tolerate some whine-ass carrying on during the show that they are "tired, hungry, out of beer or this is sooo boring..."

Yes, I am one of the "older women" that are single. Let me tell you about us old broads... we're grrrrrrrrrrreat!!!!!! (rotfl)
BABS said:
Tons of us single people at Progpower. What's funny is Progpower has become such a sacred part of my life, that I can't imagine having a date for it (lol) - why detract from the show? Or I guess if I were to have a date at the show, someone would have to love my music as much as I do. No way I could tolerate some whine-ass carrying on during the show that they are "tired, hungry, out of beer or this is sooo boring..."

That's the same reason I never drink beer at would detract from the show, and it just seems sacriligious. I'd go with a date if it happened, if by date you mean watching the stage and not paying any attention to the person :p
Silly people. You're not supposed to go to PP with or to find a date; it's all about the hot no-strings-attached nookie with a cute metalhead in an alcove while everyone else is inside watching the show!
i am sorry this happened.... i hope your trips goes great...

maybe just hang out with new friends and have fun that way if nothing else... :)

pp_ol_fan said:
i'll start one...

i broke up with my gf 2 weeks ago, and we had the plan to go have a romantic weekend (sightseeing, etc) besides enjoying the kickass music
i still want to do those things, so i want to know if there is any lady that might be interested in having a weekend like that... if there is, please email me or add me to msn at: so that we can get to know each other a little bit before pp in order to see if it might work

because of this i am left with 1 set of tickets for the preparty and progpower, so i will give that and of course room at the residence inn

for the moment i will only say i'm 28 years old... more info via msn
jaimek said:
Silly people. You're not supposed to go to PP with or to find a date; it's all about the hot no-strings-attached nookie with a cute metalhead in an alcove while everyone else is inside watching the show!

LMAO I'll second that statement. It's great to be single and female at PP. :rock:
I'm not looking for a date, but I'll be on my own for the Thursday & Friday so I have no problem hanging out. My friend is arriving early Saturday morning. I'm attached so expect nothing romantic out of it nor any unfaithfulness on my part as I'm not that type of girl.

Oh yes. 23 yrs old here.
Curufin said:
There will be Canadian beer at our party. Two of the people staying in our room are driving down from Buffalo...

I wanna know who the Buffalo peeps are! I live about an hour and a half from there, and am always looking for people to hang with at shows.
BABS said:
Tons of us single people at Progpower. What's funny is Progpower has become such a sacred part of my life, that I can't imagine having a date for it (lol) - why detract from the show? Or I guess if I were to have a date at the show, someone would have to love my music as much as I do. No way I could tolerate some whine-ass carrying on during the show that they are "tired, hungry, out of beer or this is sooo boring..."

I made the mistake of bringing my boyfriend to 4, and dealt with a lot of that whiny-ass shit. So much so that I swore I'd never bring another "date"... but hey, he loves the music as much as I do and understands that Conception takes precedence over everything. I think I'll be just fine with my "date" this year. lol :D

lady_space said:
I know a number of females who are single and will be at PP (good-looking ones at that). And although I'm no longer in that number, I was single for 2, 3 and 5. :D Honestly, I can't think of a *better* place to potentially meet a woman who's into metal than a concert, and especially ProgPower. And having dated guys who are and who aren't really into music/metal, I have to say being with someone who is kicks ASS! :D :D :D I'll never date anyone not into metal ever again! ;)

JMO. :)


I would disagree from a guys point of view when it comes to meeting girls at rock shows. It seems like most rock shows, whatever the genre of rock music we may be speaking of minus the current trendy rock music of the day, have at least 80% guys, 20% girls. I think I am being generous on those numbers. You then calculate that a majority of those 20% girls are there with their boyfriends/husbands and the % of them just drooling at the band members:hypno: and there are very few left.

That said, I did meet 2 of my ex's at concerts that just happened to be standing next to me. One started the conversation with me and I started the conversation with the other.

I don't think there is anything wrong with this thread so I don't see why it should be locked although it does come off wierd making it sound like a personals ad. I also think as with anyother evening that you go out to have fun, you shouldn't go out with the intention to meet anyone as that is never when you do actually meet someone.

By the way people, I can't make it to PP this year but I will most likely return next year and I need a date.:Spin::loco::grin: haha!