since we don't have a shameless we want a date thread this year... I see the whole reason for this conspiracy to get Accept and Twisted Sister at want more girls there. :loco:
booB said:
Just because YOU can't manage it...

that's quite true, lol... but I'd have to be crazy to go to a festival containing 75% men and 25% women, to look for a date... not to mention the majority of those 25% women are married, or there with a boyfriend.

now, if I was a woman (shut up BP ;) ), I might think differently... but I don't plan on having quite the same opportunity until I find a style of music that contains mostly female fans AND female musicians (that aren't lesbians -- that rules out Lilith Fair ;) ).

So true boob, soo true
Barking Pumpkin said: I see the whole reason for this conspiracy to get Accept and Twisted Sister at want more girls there. :loco:
don't ruin our fun just cause you're too young :loco:

<also single, but also difficult and unusual.
First of all, I want to send props out to PP OL FAN for having the balls to be the first one to post a thread like this, that took some real cajones. I’m sorry that the first response to your post was a negative one. You rock dude, don’t give up! :rock:

Very few people actually know this story, so I’m going to tell it here. The names have been changed to protect the innocent. If you would like to flame me or make fun of me for this story, I would appreciate it if you’d do it in private. As is my usual custom, my email address will follow this story.

As I’m sure some of you guys can attest to, it is very difficult to find a woman who likes metal and especially power/prog metal – a lot of women just don’t seem to get it. This can make a relationship very frustrating if you’re like me and music encompasses a great deal of your daily activity. It is very aggravating not being able to play your music at an acceptable volume level because your s/o in the other room can’t stand it.

Last year was the first year I had ever attended a ProgPower concert. In the spring of that year, I broke up with my girlfriend of three years. She had been cheating on me for three months with my best “female friend’s” boyfriend. I found out about it when she moved out of my place and into his.

I had wanted to attend PP3 and PP4 but she had put up such a fuss about it, that I hadn’t gone. [Yes, this should show how incompatible we were, but you know, love is blind and sometimes stupidly so.] As part of my liberation party, I immediately purchased my ticket to PP5 as a part of my healing process.

In all honesty, when my plane touched down in September of 2004, I was not expecting anything. I was going to this festival looking forward to Savatage and Edguy and meeting a woman was the last thing on my mind. Maybe it was this kind of karma that helped put into motion what happened.

For those of you who don’t know, I am an amateur concert producer in Minnesota – I’ve produced a handful of shows locally, mostly metal. The very first concert I ever produced was BLIND GUARDIAN’s Minnesota appearance on their first US tour in 2002. There’s a Blind Guardian shirt with the silver dragon logo on the front and tour dates on the back – the “St. Paul, Minnesota” date was paid for with my money. :grin: It was this shirt that I wore to the pre-party before PP5. And it was this very T-shirt that an amazingly beautiful woman commented on and began one of the happiest chapters in my life.

I hung out with RaeLynne (this is not her real name) all weekend. We talked about anything and everything metal. We spent time together before the shows and after the shows. I was worried that she wouldn’t be able to find me in a crowd of 1,500 metal-heads, but each day, I was amazed to see her beautiful face moving through the crowd towards me. The most memorable moment of the weekend was when Edguy played Avantasia (our favorite song off of Tobias Sammett’s Avantasia: The Metal Opera album) and we both looked at each other like two kids in a candy store and screamed, “OH MY GOD!!!” I think that has got to be the most incredible 6 minutes of my whole life.

I wish I could say that this story has a fairy-tale happy ending but it doesn’t. As fate would have it, we lived 1,200 miles away. We tried to maintain a long-distance relationship, but the miles complicated our dating process to the point that we could not manage it. We parted on good terms and to this day, she is one of my most cherished and dearest friends.

There is not a day that goes by that I don’t wish things had turned out differently for RaeLynne and myself. Under different circumstances, I think our relationship would have worked. Yet sometimes I think that life is just a series of beautiful moments that come at you one at a time, like individual courses in a banquet for a king. For me, I will always cherish the memory of RaeLynne and myself at PP5 most of all.

What’s the point of all of this? I’m hoping to encourage PP OL FAN and anyone who might not have posted in this thread yet that they are definitely on the right track. Wonderful things can happen at this festival if you’re brave enough (and crazy enough) to let them. And I just hope that I can find someone special that one day can be in the front row with me at ProgPower, waving her hair like a maniac and screaming for the band to play one more song. And if I actually met her over the course of this great weekend … how cool would that be?

Well I am also single. I enjoy being anti-social. If there are any like minded anti-social people, we could be anti-social together! Oh yeah, thats my goofy mug with Tim Roth in my avatar.
Curufin said:
What's up, sweetcheeks? :goggly:

Haha...subtle. I wouldn't even begin dating somebody who listened seriously to Nickleback, though, that's where the mistake was.

edit: Besides being single, I'm looking for something to do after friday and saturday. I'm not 21, and I'm paranoid about carrying around a fake id through security. Anyone feel like going somewhere that's not Cheetah's or a bar? Although Now that I think about it, I doubt the bouncers in Atlanta would even know what a Canadian id looks like....
Megawozniak said:
Haha...subtle. I wouldn't even begin dating somebody who listened seriously to Nickleback, though, that's where the mistake was.

edit: Besides being single, I'm looking for something to do after friday and saturday. I'm not 21, and I'm paranoid about carrying around a fake id through security. Anyone feel like going somewhere that's not Cheetah's or a bar? Although Now that I think about it, I doubt the bouncers in Atlanta would even know what a Canadian id looks like....

I'm 22 but I don't drink alcohol at all. I'm up for non-bar activities. I plan on sitting in my hotel room watching the Sci-Fi channel all 3 days. :loco:
BlackwaterNymph said:
I'm 22 but I don't drink alcohol at all. I'm up for non-bar activities. I plan on sitting in my hotel room watching the Sci-Fi channel all 3 days. :loco:

Nothing is better than late night sci-fi movies except watching the Mystery Science Theatre versions...

I'm definately up for something too, I'm tired of seeing a bunch of my seniors pile into taxis and go to bars without me :erk: I'll spend time trying to think of something entertaining while I'm outside doing yardwork.
*pokes his head in* This is a funny thread, but cool. Hey Curufin! wanna hook up? *blinks* Wait... no, never mind. (oh, I am oftheborg btw, if you remember me. I'll keep my eyes open for any picks that happen to fly my way.) I'm glad I won't miss another year.

I just moved to a new city about a month ago, and I'm working so much I have no time to meet anyone, let alone anyone who enjoys the same music... and it's hard to meet people when you don't really have fun in bars, and you don't have much time to just go out and have fun, and this doesn't include looking for a 'date.' Just finding friends is hard, especially when you're semi introverted. *sighs, and looks at his feet* who knew I would have to sacrifice so much for a career... *laughs* It will be really nice to hang out in a long line of people all day that see almost eye to eye with me when it comes to music. *smiles at the thought*
Illavarslande said:
*pokes his head in* This is a funny thread, but cool. Hey Curufin! wanna hook up? *blinks* Wait... no, never mind. (oh, I am oftheborg btw, if you remember me. I'll keep my eyes open for any picks that happen to fly my way.) I'm glad I won't miss another year.

I just moved to a new city about a month ago, and I'm working so much I have no time to meet anyone, let alone anyone who enjoys the same music... and it's hard to meet people when you don't really have fun in bars, and you don't have much time to just go out and have fun, and this doesn't include looking for a 'date.' Just finding friends is hard, especially when you're semi introverted. *sighs, and looks at his feet* who knew I would have to sacrifice so much for a career... *laughs* It will be really nice to hang out in a long line of people all day that see almost eye to eye with me when it comes to music. *smiles at the thought*

Holy shit, it's been a while! You should come by the Blind Guardian forums again and say hi. :)

If anyone's looking for things to do on Friday and Saturday nights after the shows, come to the top floor of the Granada and find our penthouse... there will be much booze and much partying.
I thought the BG forums were down. everytime I go to the website, it shows it as being down... :/ As for partying... I'm more of a sit around and talk/play games/watch sci-fi *haha* type guy. Although I might join you, for a bit. Although I'm taking a bus down there, so I'm probably going to be horribly beat... at least it's only costing me 100 round trip... *shrug* and I have a bunch of books to read. It will be a nice time to just sit back and not think about work.
Me and my girlfriend Paula are not 21 either and not the heaviest drinkers. We're also looking to have a good time doing any type of non related bar activities (although if it comes to that, we'll embrace it). I see two of you guys mentioned about something like that. Is anyone up to hanging out or whatever?
I'm always up for it. I think there will be at least 4 other people there that I knew in real life first... so I might be hanging out with them, or bringing them to Curufins little shindig... All I have planned out so far is, "ride in a bus, ride in a bus, ride in a bus, stand in line, stand in line, stand in line, PPVI!!!11one, do something until I can't stay awake, sleep, get up, stand in line, stand in line, PPVI Night TWO!!!!, sleep, sleep, get up and ride bus for another 14 hours... So, yeah, I can't believe I just wrote that.... I'm a bit excited, but I'm up for meeting lots of people... and if anyone is in columbus give me a holler... I might even give up the bus ride if someone is driving... (why didn't I think of that before?)

edit: Ignore the excessive elipses... ... ... ...

Megawozniak said:
edit: Besides being single, I'm looking for something to do after friday and saturday. I'm not 21, and I'm paranoid about carrying around a fake id through security. Anyone feel like going somewhere that's not Cheetah's or a bar? Although Now that I think about it, I doubt the bouncers in Atlanta would even know what a Canadian id looks like....

Friday & Saturday, after the show, most of the fun will be at the various parties in the different hotels (mainly the Grenada and Residence). Y'all should come hang out and see what random band members may drop in. It's always a blast.

BlackwaterNymph said:
I'm 22 but I don't drink alcohol at all. I'm up for non-bar activities. I plan on sitting in my hotel room watching the Sci-Fi channel all 3 days. :loco:
sounds familiar :)

edit: PS all- think about the bar thing for a second. getting senses dulled while looking for somebody, you never know who you're gonna wake up with! :tickled: