attn: goatschool

i dunno, i think werewolf is pretty hip. you can be out in the daytime, but then at night you're a total animal. plus, who'd really want to live forever? i mean, there'd be nobody in your age bracket to hang out with- all your friends would die and then the only thing you could count on would be taxes. if you were a vampire back in like the 1600s and were able to claim an island for yourself before the real estate market boomed, then yeah, but then you'd have to be a time-travelling vampire.

ok, time travelling vampire would be really cool. maybe i'd be that.
ok, zombified time travelling vampire. that'd be the coolest because you could just skip all the days and travel to the nights. plus, you wouldn't have to rely on just sucking blood, you could eat faces too. your food supply wouldn't be as stringent. sort of like using the whole wildebeast- no part is wasted.
Minx:oh man, when I wanted to be a squid? I'm sorry minx but there was that time you cursed me, ever so sorry about that wretched business.

Everybody else: Why not be a vampire warlock and just have an army of zombies at your disposal?