Attn: Greg


Aug 2, 2002
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1. i am still fairly bored in a 'what's this work thing? huh?' way

2. i'm toast for a $100+ cell phone bill. that i do not pay. ! :(

3. sup?
1. i am a little more at ease with work today because i have a few appointments which are things i am actually good at here.

2. my cell phone bill will be HUGE next month mostly due to having service interruption. i actually just signed up for a new txt plan that is like 100 txt msg's for $2.99(they are normally .10/msg).

3. i found a dress shirt that doesn't make me look fat(or i should say hides my gut a little better than most dress shirts).

4. i think johnny depp is cool.
1. i think brad pitt is cooler than johnny depp, but j.d. is still pretty okay.

2. i need like a 1,000 txt per month plan. but i dont control the plan! it sucks.

3. i found a red sweater that doesn't make me look 5 years old (i look 10 instead)

4. the mean boss woman is back today from her time off. :( sad panda.
1. brad pitt is cool in my book as well.

2. you should just claim the txt msg's were necessary for your work for "mental health" reasons. come to think of it. i should probably have written off all my txt msg's from my business trips as "communication expenses" and that receipients Amanda and Nick were code names for co-workers that i was keeping up with while i was away so as to keep tabs on the office.

3. big up for the double digits though. i remember back when i was 18 or 19 and i looked my age and then when i hit 21 and all of a sudden i look like i am 45.

4. :( i wish you luck and sanity.
1. i'm pretty okay with looking 10, except client's always are wary of me.

2. my job isn't paying for my cell phone. MY EX IS. yikes i suck.

3. i am wearing an entirely red outfit (when i don't have my coat on)

4. i am debating strongly moving to RI / close to it within MA within the next year or two. bad/good idea?
1. is your ex pissed?

2. red is a cool color even if your completely covered in it.

3. i think RI is an awesome place to live. but i also have a strong bias. it would definitely be culture shock coming from nyc.
1. i came to NYC from a place with an outhouse. sayin! i sort of miss the trees. my sister loves RI but claims that the taxes are evil. she keeps joking that i need a trailer in uxbridge.

2. the ex never gets pissed but i can tell he's somewhere seeing the bill thinking i did that because i dont care. but really i thought we had a plan to pay for it cheaply :(
1. yeah the taxes can be a bit steep. i haven't paid income tax in RI yet so i have no idea what that is like. maybe one of the MA border towns would be ideal then. like attleboro or blackstone or franklin.

2. have you talked to him yet about this? maybe just to make sure he knows you aren''t doing it to be mean.
1. yea i told him i wasn't trying to be mean and he said he knew. but i still feel bad :/ plus i think he bounced a check paying for it! bad karma.

2. franklin sounds pretty okay actually. i'd need a car though i'm guessing?

3. i'm trying to arrange a few weeks off in a month or two to go to RI and wander around with my baby niece and my sister

4. i hiccuped and sneezed at the same time a few seconds ago. my coworker saw it.
1. yikes! sounds like a rough situation for your ex. i'm sorry.

2. a car would be a good idea. i am not sure how good the public transit is up there and the main local bus station in providence is sketchville to the extreme.

3. let me know if you are going to be coming. also we are playing in RI January 17 if that is during your trip.

4. wow. was the coworker shocked? disgusted?
1. the coworker cheered for me. i almost blew my nose off my face :|

2. i will probably be out there later than that, as i am already going to have to drive out there in my dad's crazy truck over xmas vacation and back with a baby and two boston terriers. (aka terrors)

3. i have seen the promiseland of the bus station in providence, and it's full of people with no chins. (and a guy with a mustache on the back of his neck)

4. i think freddy would like living in a building without drug dealers, roaches, and/or crackheads.

5. it's only 11. wtg?
1. nice!

2. wow

3. i haven't seen that guy but the assorted wackos i meet there is astounding and alot of them always want to talk with you.

4. that's a lot for one rabbit to experience.

5. for real. today is so frigging slow. i really can't wait for my appointments to start coming in because they will keep me occupied until lunch and that is very sad.
1. i was going to donate 4 jackets to a coats drive and my coworker just begged me to have them. i said yes.

2. i get to go to the pet store and carry a giant bag of bunny litter back to my office

3. my tea is too hot to drink :/

4. if i lived near the woods i could take freddy for a walk without a leash and i think he'd really dig that.
1. i feel bad for the girl who took over my old position because the receptionist is out sick so i am trying to answer the phone to help out. but i really am doing it because i am bored.

2. i'll have to remember that game next time i am sent away which i don't think will be for awhile. :(