Attn: Greg

1. i am drinking green tea. it's pretty awesome but it gets bitter if it sits too long.

2. do you get to go away for work more than once a year?

3. i just realized that after 2.5 years of never listening to the radio i've switched over to ONLY listening to the radio when i'm at home. i have probably 400 cd's for NUTHIN.
1. well i didn't travel at all until i got this promotion to a "professional" position. i think that there a bunch of different events to send people to and the ones they sent me too were related to my specific job whereas other people will get to travel to other conferences and such to benefit them.

2. i brought my discman with just two cds and i have been listening to one cd over and over again and it has gotten to the point where i am not really enjoying it as much as i did yesterday but i refuse to not listen to music on my way to and from work.
1. i've never even heard of seekonk MA wow.

2. all my life i've had a fear that i will inadvertently end up living in webster without meaning to.
greg isn't this magazine funny?

1. i actually had a thought over thanksgiving that maybe i would want to move back to CT. i had the thought and then i slapped myself.

2. most of my guy friends that are in relationships right now are thankfully not whipped enough to warrant sending them that.
1. Yeah. If you head down 195 out of Providence, first town you hit is Seekonk.
2. Somerset, Swansea, and Fall River also border on Rhode Island, albeit towns like Warren, Tiverton etc.
1. i just used 'auto erotic strangulation' in a professional statement

2. i'm wearing a scarf strictly because it's cute

3. i've swallowed 7 pieces of gum today :(

4. i just realized i don't know half the towns in MA
1. The MA border towns haven't had any significance since like... Lizzie Borden
1. i have had this bizarre urge to try and find the first Accept album(the one with the chainsaw lady on the cover). i had it on tape and there is this one song on it called "Seawinds" which used to be a good song to listen to on dreary winter days like Sunday and i want to relive that experience.
1. greg, you have no idea. if i ever lose every ounce of ethics i have, people around the world will collectively be covering their mouths and saying "OH MY GOD"
1. i just found out that i need to put in two different repair tickewts for my car's two accidents. so instead of getting everything fixed for one $500 deductible, i have to process two different $500 deductibles meaning that in actuality i will have to pay $1000. fucking hate.