ATTN: Marksveld


New Metal Member
Oct 10, 2001
southernmost voyage
Now when you've had some time to absorb it, I want to know what you thought of the doom-death/funeral doom comp CD I burned you. If you want to, quick track-by-track summaries would be cool.

(Yes, I made a thread that is really only of interest for one person, so for all you others, here's something to make your click worthwhile...)


Give me your thoughts on those tracks I sent you too, that would be cool. Now this thread is a 3way.
Yeah, I'll do my absolutely worst. I'm in the middle of the very exciting song choosing process now, and I think that I may have to go for a 2CD compilation, seeing as there is a vast number of songs I'd like to include. No old-skool stuff for you, except some old US DM songs that you probably haven't heard.
Erik said:
What tracks do you mean?

(A Perfect Circle suxed)
I thought it sucked the first 10 times I heard it too, and I'm a fan. Therefore, you didn't give it enough time. :p

I sent Marksveld:
Morbid Angel - Eyes to See, Ears to Hear
Carcass - Blind BLEEDING the Blind

EDIT: I are teh dum
Erik said:
Morbid Angel changed their sound a bit after Altars, but you should still check out their other stuff. The riffs are still in a similar style but they started really developing the Morbid Angel Sound with Blessed Are the Sick.

Oooooh I bet you'd like Angel of Disease, that song roxorosrosz. Maybe some of the faster stuff from Formulas Fatal to the Flesh as well.
I love the tradeoff solos, they make me giggle like a schoolgirl. A schoolgirl in the shape of a man thrashing around knocking over smaller objects and people.
Rapture was the first Morbid Angel I heard, on MTV no less. So I thank them, but only verbally, no fruit baskets.

If you like that then you'll find much to love with Covenant and Formulas, maybe even Domination THE GREATEST DEATH METAL ALBUM IN ALL THE LAND.
seeing as how the sanctity of this thread has been FUCKING DESTROYED BY PEOPLE THAT AREN'T ERIK OR MARKSVELD - I will make a new thread after I have dinner. I shall put on my doom helmet.
Morbid Angel (at least the Vincent era) is boring as fuck. ALtars of Madness was a bit above average though. This is why I'm wary of Mithras. And if Behemoth wants to rip off somebody, you'd think they pick someone more interesting than MA.

I still say Erik will love the hell out of early Aeternus, if he doesn't already.
I wish I could find the fucking track listing so I don't look like an idiot saying "Hm. I think this track is Thergothon, it ruelz lol"
Yes, I fully intended to cover all material sent to me in the thread. I'm trying to pull my shit together, I need organization. A tracklisting here, a CD over there, soiled rags yonder, guitar strings poking my ass etc etc
no, and by "no" I mean "yes, I get pleasure from thin lengths of rusty steel penetrating skin 6 inches from my anus"
Lost the track list did we?

1. My Dying Bride "Symphonaire Infernus et Spera Empyrium"
2. Cathedral "Mourning of a New Day"
3. Thergothon "Elemental"
4. Unholy "...Of Tragedy"
5. Dusk "...Majestic Thou in Ruin"
6. Winter "Servants of the Warsmen"
7. Evoken "Tragedy Eternal"
8. dISEMBOWELMENT "Your Prophetic Throne of Ivory"
9. Indesinence "Catalepsy"
10. Anathema "Sleepless '96"