ATTN: Henrik Main

Henrik Main said:
05. Bruce Dickinson - Trumpets Of Jericho.
Intro: What - is this Rammstein?
It sounds like a male robot with a beer belly, mullet and pilot glasses.


15. Candlemass - A Sorcerer's Pledge.
See 14. Other than that, it's way too long, but if I'd been a fan of the band, I'd probably claim it was too short.

Not having heard the songs you commented on I still feel I would have written about the same as you, but that song is killer, extremly good stuff that I need to hear right now asm.
That Dismember reference was an obvious compliment, foo' :)

Angel Witch may have been pretty heavy back in the day, but I don't think they're really heavy per sé. Still, those were some very decent tracks.

Wolf slay mainly because they're fast, fun and.... write good songs with killer melodies, as opposed to Maiden and Fate. I don't even have go and put on my flame suit this time, considering I've been wearing it all day.

My biography, by the way:

Etter at hitsinglene hans «Handleliste» og «Bolibompa» ble utgitt, ble han kåret til Ukas Handyman hele to ganger i Dagbladets søndagsbilag. Oppmuntret av suksessen og oppmerksomheten fra publikum, la han ut på en verdensturné som varte i to år. Noen av høydepunktene var da han ble sett på som den hjemvendte sønn i Nicaragua (enkelte ivrige fans ofret to nyfødte kalvunger i hans ære), puslespillkonkurransen med 200 biter på tjue minutter, pilegrimsferden til Firenzes underverden, flagbrenningseremonien i 1982 og innhøstingen av klovnefrø i Rabat.