ATTN: Morpha

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Would it be weird to say I like his ambient? Its grown on me and its pretty good now.The keyboard track is pretty good too. Its funny how much shit he got for fuckin around with that Burzum song though.
Spectacular Views said:
Come on, even a tr00 necromancer knows when something has been dead too long you don't revive it because it will turn and bite you in the fucking ass.

That said, Bonemancers are quite fucking fun on Diablo 2.
Life Sucks said:
I've actually heard some metal bands that use a Jews harp in some of their songs.
Yeah, there is a whole subgenre of bands that make use of Jew's Harps. Folk metal.
Life Sucks said:
Yes. Some folk bands do, though not all. Others use instruments like bagpipes and Celtic whistles.
Yeah I know, but a good amount of the bands do.

morpha is the tr00est, blackest, most ambient metal music I have EVER heard. Completely original!

Original or rip-off it doesn't stop the music from being good.
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