attn: motW fans, Maudlin of the Well has decided to break up. :(


guitar deity
Jul 31, 2002
New England
Due to the extrordinary financial difficulty involved in finishing our album, and the growing rift in the personal relationships between the band members, we have decided it would be best to call it quits at the height of our creativity. We appreciate everyone who has supported us throughout the last few years by purchsing the albums, sending us e-mails, saying hello at gigs, or publishing reviews and interviews. Its been a great time and I will always cherish the years we spent together.

ps. 'sup sluts! April Fool's!
Nevermore191: i want testicle related stories
ozmagreed: hmmm
ozmagreed: one time a cop kicked josh in the ass so hard one of his balls fall out of his pant leg
Nevermore191: fake
ozmagreed: yeah, it turned out to be a golf ball
Nevermore191: hehe
ozmagreed: but since josh's nuts are pale and divoted, no one could tell
Nevermore191: why did the cop kick em?
ozmagreed: to get him off the sheep
Nevermore191: i totally fell for that
ozmagreed: APRIL FOOL
Nevermore191: ugg