attn: my coworkers


Three Star General
Jul 26, 2002
I do not care that the copier next to your desk is broken because you abuse it. Please dn't act like walking 50 feet to the other copier is the end of the world. You most certainly aren't going to "wear out your shoe leather" you spoiled little bitches. There are offices in this city doing more important work than you that can't afford fucking stamps, let alone 5 copiers, so please do not act like your fucking dog died when one doesn't work right.

please never speak to me again and kill yourself thanks.

Nobody ever talks to me at work. I think that's cuz I'm a part time temp guy. It's like I've got leprosy or something. That's alright though. I do have an office with a nice view.
my coworkers are in a fucking frenzy b/c one of the 6 fax machines isn't working and they have to walk to another one. DIE DIE DIE DIE
One of josh's coworkers is, at this very moment, posting on some Moby messageboard somewhere:

Dear grouchy receptionist:
I'm sorry it pains you so to be asked to do one or two things in an entire paid 8 hour day. I know it is really hard to call the copier repair company when you have all that websurfing to do. Please have some fucking lemonade or a cigarette. xoxo
the sincerity of the xoxoxoxoxx is well evident.

you don't even have a cube to hide in? that sucks big time. i used to have an office with a door and in our new building i would've had a 29th floor view of the chicago river and michigan ave. now i have a cube right next to the printer in a building with no windows- even if there were windows, they'd only look next door to the chrysler plant or I-44. eh, woe is me, blah blah blah.

i have had to listen to ppl gripe in the past though, about not being able to use "their" copy machine and having to walk to a room like you said 50 ft away. people are so lazy it's ridiculous. i think it's mostly that they get comfortable with one thing and don't have the brain capacity to handle learning how to use a new copier.
man toby that's harsh. I'd hate to have to deal with that receptionist! they should all be sweet as sugar like me!

PS I totally called the repair dude on monday! it's not my fault he's busy and couldn't come in until this morning. :( :( :(