attn : nomana-nuniyan

Is there anything more annoying than Americans who are 1 80th Native American or summat, but who are all "I'm so proud of my Native American heritage!"?
I haven't found anything.

They are easily identified on account of the dreamcatchers they hang from their rear-view mirrors.
These fake Indians are almost always "Cherokee", for some reason.
And they always seem to have velvet paintings of wolves- you know, the kind you see being sold in bad neighbourhoods on sunday mornings, like the Elvis ones- hanging on their walls.

And they go to commercial 'pow-wows' and think the indians there really accept them, when they're really laughing at the credulous twats stumbling about in their midst.
"What befalls the earth, befalls our mother.
What befalls the earth, befalls the sons of earth.
This we know, the earth does not belong to man, man belongs to earth
All things are connected like the blood which unites us all.
Man did not weave the web of life he is is merely a strand in it.
Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself." seattle

nice...but historically inaccurate it seems...
Nanay, the earth knows bettah, so history can fuck off.

I can't see why people who're only 1.80th or even "less" indian piss off people from the continent (???). Who gives a fuck?

Actually, what's Mehdi's sense of identity?
nomana-nuniyan said:
*rests chin in hands and stares with morbid fascination*

Please, continue Mehdi. I'm curious to see how much further you can shove your foot down your own throat.

hey calm down, i was just wondering since i was having a discussion about indians with that dude and we wondered how many were left in the us these days and i thought you might know. damn, girls are so evil.
Maqus said:
I'm 12.5% gypsy, have you noticed?
Who my father was, what country I'm from,
In vain the people ask me.
The first never existed and my home...
The earth that gives me fruits and flowers.

Wherever destiny leads me,
I find a smile, I find a love.
Why should I worry about thoughts of the past
When the hours of the present are glad to my heart?

It's true that tomorrow could cast a turbid veil over
The serene breezes waiting for me.
But if today, my skies are all blue,
Why should I worry about the things that may not happen?

I am a plant, never frozen or bare,
That defies even the harshest winter.
If leafs fall here, another will grow in its place.
In every season I am full of flowers!

- The Gypsy