attn: people who are handy and shit


Aug 2, 2002
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i am going to be painting the trim, window borders/sills, and doorways in my apartment with high gloss mo-fuckin paint up in that piece sometime soon. other than the paint, what do i need? what kind of brushes are best so that like, lines don't show up and shit?
tape! (the blue kind of painters tape)

they also make trim rollers that are about 3 inches wide that fucking rule. I would tape the shit out of the place, attack the trim with the rollers, then go back and touch up the edges with a 2" brush. that sholud keep the lines to a minimum - even better is if you can just use the rollers. They also have those foam brushes, but I prefer regs.
ok i will probably be able to use the rollers a bit... but this is an old apartment and all the trim has this crazy cut out details and stuff! but i didnt know about the tape. good call. thx dude!
well, see i am admitting momentarily to being involved somewhat heavily in vandalism via spraypaint so i have some pretty dece masks. i will have to get two more for the cat and the rabbit...