There's a whole bunch of people in the world who can just blow me


Eat me.
Jul 17, 2002
Los Angeles, CA
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I wouldn't be surprised if you were one of them, even if we haven't met, because that many people seriously fuckin suck.

People are fuckin geeks, especially the ones who try real hard to be different, or get way too into their own little hobby worlds. Like Star Wars geeks and Trekkies... I will pray for god to rain down bullets on them till I fuckin die. And like, ever seen those goth people who look at you all evil and mean and shit just to be different and look cool and feel elite? Yeah fuckin right. Walk up to one of em and ask the mother fucker what he's lookin at, and $10 says that the piece of shit tries to chake your hand and apologize. What pieces of fuck. Like I really care that some Nightmare Before Christmas bitch is gonna look at me like she wants to eat me, with her fishnet everything and her black hair dye and her fucking 50 silver jewelery items. Pieces of fuck. Implode.

So like, yeah. There ya have it.