Funeral Portrait Member Jun 27, 2003 5,219 22 38 Aug 3, 2003 #22 and whys that? there's no denying that they have talent. if its cuz of the singer, well thats fine, but the band as a whole is excellent
and whys that? there's no denying that they have talent. if its cuz of the singer, well thats fine, but the band as a whole is excellent
Demonspell cheating the polygraph Apr 29, 2001 15,341 32 48 45 dead between the walls Aug 3, 2003 #23 - Arch Enemy's number one and two fan
Evan84 Absinthe Minded Jun 12, 2003 3,856 82 48 41 Goa, India Visit site Aug 3, 2003 #24 Nuk3m said: This disease runs rampant im my whole country Click to expand... Mine as well.