People at concerts

shivering corpse

Ty Cobbb
Sep 20, 2002
I love going to concerts. Obviously it helps if I like the band, but even if I don't, you can usually have a decent time.
But, one thing that really pisses me off is the people. There are always so many people that just seem like they just crawl out of some fucking hole.
You've never seen them before and they are the epitome of obnoxious white trash.
You see these guys with a beer gut literally 2 feet long, and these nasty wrinkled, diseased looking women with wrinkled skin, but they're only like 30 years old.
That was all that was there when I saw Morbid Angel, but that's to be expected in a's a death metal show.

I saw Tool and Meshuggah last November. I like Meshuggah quite a bit and I was right in the front on the floor totally enjoying it. The band sounded great, and they were playing some of their best songs.
This completely white trash couple were screaming so loud at them between songs telling them how much they suck. The guy was flipping them off the whole time. And his whore girlfriend, wrinkled as a raisin was screaming "OOH POWECHORDS, I WISH I COULD PLAY POWERCHORDS YOU FUCKS!"
I don't mind people who mosh, I've occasionally moshed even, but I really really hate crowd surfers. You're trying to watch the fucking band play and then here comes some sweaty idiot who smells like shit fly on top of you and you have deal with them.

well it was just a rant, but I'm seeing Opeth in less than two weeks and I know there's going to be a lot of cool people, and then people who are really going to piss me off and distract me from enjoying the show as much as possible.
I just hate people that talk all through a concert. Why did you pay money to see a band if you're not even paying attention?
I always see the same guys on concerts
It seems the only time when all the metalheads from Mexico city gather is for a concert
you may not see always the same people,but regularly you find at least 10 people you saw in the last concert
yeah, I mean I probably sound like I'm all uptight at a concert, and I'm not at all, I'm totally there having a blast with some friends or my brothers, but I can't stand those people who show no respect whatsoever (to you or the band)
I'd get killed at a metal concert, I'm like 5 foot 2 and a weedy little kid basically.....
Yeah, that's one of the only drawbacks to seeing live shows. I absolutely HATE crowd surfers.

For some reason (don't know what possessed me), I wore my glasses to see Cannibal Corpse, Dark Funeral, and Incantation. During Dark Funeral's set, a guy jumped on my head from the stage, kicked me in the face, knocked my glasses on the floor, and they got trampled. It fucking sucked.

It seems like all metal shows in Oklahoma or Texas are the definition of white-trash, idiot metalheads, Oklahoma especially.
crowd surfers piss me off as well. heres a tip: when they stage dive, grab their legs, and as they jump fling them was over your head - gets them out the way, and if it causes injury they wont be doing it again :) ive been doing that ever since i got kicked by one at a kreator concert. fucking wankers.
Here's my favorite annoying crowd surfer moment. There's this one dude who goes to all the metal shows in the Dallas area; if you live around here and go to metal concerts you know who I'm talking about. He has no legs and he rides around on a skateboard. Everyone likes him and most of the bands bring him on stage, which is cool. Anyways, I forget the show it was at, it was a few years ago, but I was on the floor enjoying the show and I feel some crowd surfer punch me on the top of the head. I was so pissed, and before I realized it was that guy, I had thrown him about 20 feet across the floor. It looked like he got shot out of a catapult lol. He didn't get hurt, so it was a good laugh for everyone.