not fitting into concerts

Some venues are NUTS about it. I've heard of places going as far as to have a guy in the balcony take a flashlight and point out people who were smoking so that gaurds below could kick them out
I know a dude who actually got arrested for being drunk underage at a Dream Theater show (it was the first time I saw them, on the Six Degrees tour). But this begs the question - who shows up drunk to a Dream Theater concert?!

It really depends on the venue - some let things fly, some don't. I saw Deep Purple back when I smoked cigarettes, and they threatened to kick me out for that. Saw Gigantour at the same venue, people were smoking cigarettes and weed left and right! It's crazy.
Most detroit venues don't care. First time I saw Opeth, a visible cloud of pot smoke rose out of the crowd when they took the stage. Hell, as long as your'e not stabbing or raping anyone, detroit has bigger problems to worry about.
It makes me wonder. How the hell rediculous of a band do you have to be, to force a guy to feel the need to rape a person at one of your shows?

Before anybody says anything, don't say GWAR, because I already know that they're probably that kind of band. I've heard some F'd up shit goes down at their shows.
ptah knemu said:
It makes me wonder. How the hell rediculous of a band do you have to be, to force a guy to feel the need to rape a person at one of your shows?

Before anybody says anything, don't say GWAR, because I already know that they're probably that kind of band. I've heard some F'd up shit goes down at their shows.
The fucked up shit you heard about gwar shows goes on ONSTAGE. And it's acting. Bad acting, but acting nonetheless.

I love GWAR haha.
I was kind of surprised that Gwar was yelling "sieg heil" (yeah, I know I spelled that completely wrong) when I saw them at Sounds of the Underground in New Jersey. If you're going to be racist, you don't need to broadcast it like that and offend people. I'm not Jewish, but even I was angry that they would do that. And yes, there is such a thing as free speech, but you need to know your limits.
ThornsOfSorrow said:
I was kind of surprised that Gwar was yelling "sieg heil" (yeah, I know I spelled that completely wrong) when I saw them at Sounds of the Underground in New Jersey. If you're going to be racist, you don't need to broadcast it like that and offend people. I'm not Jewish, but even I was angry that they would do that. And yes, there is such a thing as free speech, but you need to know your limits.

they probably lost a lot of reputation for that. I mean I wouldn't support a band that has hate in their blood.
Exactly. From what I've heard about GWAR, if you go to one of their shows wearing a solid white shirt, at the end, it'll be a large array of ugly ass colors. Also, I heard they throw live human PLACENTAS into the crowds at their shows.

And also, with lyrics about Nuclear Holocaust and vaginas full of teeth, what else would you expect aside from insanity?
DoomsdayZach said:
the live human placentas thing is bullshit.

And i'm pretty sure they've killed hitler before and have made it abundantly clear that they aren't racist. You just need to know your GWAR.

God dammit. It's not true? What about that rumor that they were actually banished from an entire country? If I remember correctlym that was mentioned on the 100 most metal moments. (VH1 documentary)

Killing Hitler is always a fun thing to do.
ThornsOfSorrow said:
Even if they weren't serious, I just thought that it was in poor taste.

Oh, poor taste is a definite for GWAR. That's the name of the game. Nothing like killing Lacy Peterson and cutting her open and swinging aroudn the unborn fetus... comedic gold right there. Not to mention blood and guts everywhere. :lol:
If GWAR didn't stand for "God! What Awful Racket!", it would stand for "God! What Awful Taste!"