Where to find metalheads aside from concerts/bars?

Cats are more popular than dogs in western countries? that would be totally incorrect my man

Also, a lot of eastern countries dont really care about dogs.
Check the map here:

Not sure if they counted street dogs, but either way you wouldn't think the likes of India and China are very suitable places to keep cats.

Possibly decades ago dogs were more popular here, but they're more expensive to contain and now fewer houses allow them.
Check the map here:

Not sure if they counted street dogs, but either way you wouldn't think the likes of India and China are very suitable places to keep cats.

Possibly decades ago dogs were more popular here, but they're more expensive to contain and now fewer houses allow them.
hold on, i thought you are talking more popular amongst people. The number you have has stray cats included. More people own dogs out here and im not even sure if the number is comparable

and LMFAO at China being a "dog country" i dont think we need to get into details as to why either. Also lets not forget that Russia is not a part of the west
I'd be willing to bet that most people who have a dog also have a cat, or have had a cat or a dog in the past or some such other combination of having both cats and dogs.
Actually the article I linked says they are indeed estimates of pet populations. I'd just skim read that part of it.
actually that article you have says more households own dogs, and there are countless articles that say there are far more stray cats out here .... but once you get into the number of people that own pets, there is a HuGE gap
2 dogs and a cat here. Not huge on the cat in the house but my wife loves him and hes not much of an annoyance I suppose.


Dog + cat master race.
I used to babysit a cockapoo for my great-uncle every time he went on vacation with his wife for months at a time. It was pretty fun but I didn't like to pick up shit so I didn't haha. I also taught it to kneel every time I did a hitler salute, pretty fun times. Sadly when my great-uncle cheated on her, she divorced him and took the dog.
Hell if you're disgusted by bad grammar then you'd surely be disgusted by smelly, overweight people who are an eye sore to look at.

I don't mind the presence of such people in the metal scene. But I do think it's pretty stupid when people espouse the idea that a true metal warrior should be a greasy slob. Especially when it's ostensibly meant to evoke the look of an ancient Germanic warrior. Those people were a lot more well-groomed than pop culture gives them credit for. Plus, I don't think we should internalize the common prejudice that long hair + beard = unkempt.
@DisconnectedFromReality, you seem like a true gem of a person. :whistle:

That said, you can only join the in-crowd (where all the cool people hang out) if you're able to complete the sacred rite of passage.