Where to find metalheads aside from concerts/bars?

Faggot? Check
Cunt? Check
Queer? Check
I've come up with a game for you bunch. There will be two rooms both with some people from the forum, and the rooms will be only connected with a gloryhole. The team that is on the move has to choose a song to play in the other room and then one of the dudes sticks his dick and balls through the gloryhole and he either gets his dick sucked or balls kicked, based on the preferences of the people in the other room. After several rounds it becomes more obvious who's there on the other side and the first team that guesses all the people on the other side wins.

Or something like that.
I've come up with a game for you bunch. There will be two rooms both with some people from the forum, and the rooms will be only connected with a gloryhole. The team that is on the move has to choose a song to play in the other room and then one of the dudes sticks his dick and balls through the gloryhole and he either gets his dick sucked or balls kicked, based on the preferences of the people in the other room. After several rounds it becomes more obvious who's there on the other side and the first team that guesses all the people on the other side wins.

Or something like that.
oh sweet an easy way to get my dick sucked by ozzman, phylactery and omni
CASSETTEISGOD is a total trendy, he was our token redpilled feminazi killer kekistani until maybe 6 months ago, he's a person that barely even has opinions let alone meaningful ones.

Also, Barbara won't be friends with Turks, what a racist

Seriously though, don't bother with friends. There is definitely some fundamental biological reward for being in the physical company of like-minded people, I'll acknowledge, but it's still just another impulse that can be ignored and replaced with your own desires if you can manage, not really any different from excess food, drugs, or porn. Once you're off of friends for a good year or so you'll never want to go back.