
Oct 16, 2002
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I haven't seen a thread related to this yet, and I'm curious......
1) What is your relationship with your parents like? Do they share / accept
your interest in music?
2) If you are a parent, what is your relationship with your kids like?

My answer is....we have 3 teen kids, great relationship. We all share a love of music, go to concerts often. We're all musicians. My parents are both deceased. Mom was always supportive of my music. Dad hated it, threatened to break my records. His hatred for hard rock was what made me want to become a musician and play the evil rock music as loud and heavy as I could.
The band Steppenwolf threw him into a rage, so I tormented him constantly.
Other than that, a decent relationship.
I guess I'm lucky. My parents went to all the gigs of my bands (power thrash & psychedelic metal). My dad listens to SyX and Nevermore among others, my mom loved the "Lamentations" dvd from Opeth (yes, even the second part :lol: ). How cool is that ???????? (my father played guitar in his early 20's)
My Mom passed away in '99 & my dad is still around.

I got/get along great with my parents. Always have, always will. Believe it or not, I'm the black sheep of the

My Dad has no real interest in music, my mom was actually a good singer, but used to drive me crazy as a kid, with it. When I was 15, and seriously wanted to learn how to play guitar, I had ZERO support initially from my folks. I busted my ass working in a filling station to pay for my instruments, lessons. When I was playing with a band in the mid 80's, and my old Legend amp crapped out, my mom did front me a loan for my Marshall. So, initially no, and partially, later on...

My dad likes some of my music. Most of it is too metal for someone his age to comprehend :lol:. He also likes to play the piano like me, but he doesnt know the first thing about piano so he just holds down the sustain pedal and away he goes. Mum doesnt like music I dont think. She is one of those ppl who likes "her" radio station when we are in the car, but she just has it really quiet and u cant hear it neway. Both my parents accept my taste in music, and I even like some of dad's old bands too sometimes. Overall my relationship with my parents is pretty good cos I was never a problem child, so they dont have to whinge at me. Thats about it ;).
Pharoah said:
1) What is your relationship with your parents like? Do they share / accept
your interest in music?
My relationship with my parents is pretty good. I have a distinct parent/child relationship with them; as in, I'm not one of those kids who's like "my mom is my best friend!" and I like it that way. Pops likes a lot of classic rock but I don't really listen to metal with him. My mom used to think I was a satanist when I started to get into metal but I guess she's gotten used to it.
Hmm... well, my mom passed away when I was 2, so I never would have known if she'd approve of my music.

My dad, however, he doesn't seem to care. He doesn't mind Dream Theater, but he dislikes metal for the most part. I don't know if he hates it, though. He listens to music that I really dislike (i.e. Nickelback), so I guess it evens out.

We get along pretty good, but get into stupid arguments. They always end quickly though, and we don't mention it later. For the most part, it's either good day or bad day for me.
My mom doesn't like metal/hard rock, but she doesn't mind if I listen to it. My dad likes a tiny bit of metal since he grew up on Van Halen, Led Zeppelin, and the like. He likes a couple songs that I play every now and then.

We have a pretty good relationship with each other. My little sister, on the other hand, listens to emo and rap. Both of my parents hate it. But my little sister is a bitch, so they tell her to turn her music down.
Pharoah said:
I haven't seen a thread related to this yet, and I'm curious......
1) What is your relationship with your parents like? Do they share / accept
your interest in music?
2) If you are a parent, what is your relationship with your kids like?


1. I have a great relationship with my parents. Sometimes we get into arguements, but usually they are resolved quickly and without and after shocks.

My Dad listens to most everything I do, which is good, because he usually buys all my cd's. He doesnt like some of the darker stuff I'm into, but he likes dreamtheater and sym x which is good for me. Mom doesnt like anything I listen to, but she doesnt prohibit me form listening to it, so everythings fine there.
My dad got me into rock at a young age. Taught me how to count time changes to Rush songs, all that. He used to be a good drummer from what I gather. He's super supportive of me playing in bands, and even likes some of what I listen to (he's a big Dream Theater fan). He's pretty well-versed in a lot of styles of music, so he's cool.

My mom doesn't listen to any of the music I'm into, but she's cool about it, and supportive.
Dad: He's a bit finicky about the music he likes, but he has some good taste. One of his favorite songs is "You Shook me All Night Long" by AC/DC, which is a sweet ass song. He's going up a bit in his years, nearing 60, and has a pretty open mind. He doesn't mind DT or Sym X at first, but after an hour of it he politely asks me to turn it down/off. It's cool that he lets me listen to it even if he doesn't like it. And as far as me being a guitarist goes, the first thing he asked when I told him I wanted to upgrade my gear was, "How far do you want to take this?" He had me think about what I was really looking for, was it a fad or not? For that I have to thank him because it got my head a bit out of the clouds.

Mom: Mom's a rocker...she likes a lot of stuff. She's a big Beatles, Pink Floyd, Van Halen, Billy Joel, other awesome classic rock artists fan. She kind of likes the music I listen to, she seems drawn to Russel's voice actually, which is cool because Russ > all forever and ever. She's pretty supportive of me on guitar, doesn't really care if I'm rocking out to my gigantic home theater system thingy, which is absolutely glorious.

As far as relations go, I get into the occasional argument because me and dad think a lot alike, but a small price to pay for otherwise chill parents.
For my parents it was just the same what music I listened. When we were travelling in a car together I could play any music I wanted to.
My dad got me involved with music and was the one that exposed me to progrock when I was little (Yes, Genesis, ELP, King Crimson). Years later, I get him into Dream Theater (as well as metal in general), and now he's a bigger Dream Theater fan than I am :lol:. I also got him into metal in general, now he listens to everything from Priest to Opeth to Helloween. He was also the one who wound up getting *me* into Dio.
wow, you all have got great parents...
ok now, the relation with my parents is OK, that's it.
They don't like hard rock, metal, anything of that is played in the room where I am and when they are around (it's a bit of an office here), quite quiet...
Yngvai X said:
My dad got me involved with music and was the one that exposed me to progrock when I was little (Yes, Genesis, ELP, King Crimson). Years later, I get him into Dream Theater (as well as metal in general), and now he's a bigger Dream Theater fan than I am :lol:. I also got him into metal in general, now he listens to everything from Priest to Opeth to Helloween. He was also the one who wound up getting *me* into Dio.

Matt, that's great to hear. I was wondering about you. Was your dad directly involved at all when you were developing your style, getting your musicians and sound together? Have you asked him for his opinions or help through the years?
My Mom is a musician and in a band currently, so of course she supports whatever I do in music, she plays a crapload of instruments, guitar, keyboards, mandolin, harmonica and sings of course. Im guessing I got what I have for talent from her, although my father played in a couple bands when he was in his 20's, he played drums and bass.

They both listened to Zeppelin, Sabbath, Rush , Floyd .. and so forth. Easy to see why I listen to what I do today.
Pharoah said:
Matt, that's great to hear. I was wondering about you. Was your dad directly involved at all when you were developing your style, getting your musicians and sound together? Have you asked him for his opinions or help through the years?

He didn't help me get other musicians that I'd play with or my sounds together, but he was encouraging, as was my mom.
1) What is your relationship with your parents like? Do they share / accept your interest in music?
My adoptive parents are deceased, & I had a pretty poor relationship with both of them, except for the last 7 months of my dad's life, when we had something of a reconciliation. They were both musical (Dad played drums in 'big band' bands as a teen/young adult, & Mom played piano & sang in the church choir), & were supportive of my interest in music & involvement in choir and band/orchestra as I grew up. They weren't too fond of my musical tastes as i got older, though, being strict Bible thumpers who thought rock/metal music were the Devil's tools. *chuckle* As for my birthmom, I don't know what she thinks of the music I listen to, but she thinks it's pretty novel that I work for a band. I have yet to find/meet my birthfather, but he was a guitar player when he was dating my birthmother, so I imagine he'd be supportive of my interest in music.
2) If you are a parent, what is your relationship with your kids like?
I have a pretty good relationship with my kids. They all think I'm a cool mom (which is a huge thing for a parent); my oldest son calls me his 'wicked awesome heavy metal mom' :lol:. Music-wise, my daughter loves SymX & prog/power metal in oldest son is into the emo thing at the moment..and my youngest son doesn't much care for music (he's got anxiety issues & music aggravates it).