Opeth Makers

Longinus will you stop smugly asserting that you know something everyone else doesn't and prove that Akerfeldt played bass on MR and Orchid?

Because he didn't

prove to me he did not. Besides, dont be such a pussy. it wont decide the fate of your sad life so peace.
I've told this story so many times on this board...but I guess I'm just proud and happy it happened like it did.

Back in '92 or '93, a friend of mine pulled a plain blue CD out of a case bearing a simple photo of a pink flower. He said. "Mate, you have to listen to this. You've never heard music like this before." He popped it in the CD player and I was taken away by this mesmerising twin guitar harmony that just played and played and played. Anyway, with that first listen to In Mist She Was Standing, I'd found pretty much my faviroute band. Curbstone off this board knows him. Cheers Mick.

Anyways, I'm gushing. Out.
A friend introduced me to Opeth, he sent me some songs and I was like:OMG: whrn I listened to them ,I was hooked ever since :)!!! I actually feel like I owe him for that ^^ . Then I introduced Opeth to my sisters and lots of my friends who also were amazed!:rock:
A friend asked me to download the Ghost Reveries album. He told me to listen to the songs, but I didn't really liked any of them at that time!(I wasn't really paying attention to the music). He told me that the band is great and recommended The Drapery Falls and I was hooked.

I couldn't get any of my frineds hooked cause the don't really understand music(That really pisses me of).
I got lost somewhere in Sweden, I was walking from building to building and I walked into them recording Damnation and Deliverance..i'm on the DVD lamentations.