How to explain Opeth....?

i suppose one day, they will have their own genre...

but not yet...

it took sabbath a while before they knew that they were a heavy metal band.. but in the 70's there were no forums for people to discuss the issue on... bad example.

i think opeth isn't death, or prog, or both. the ryhthm section isn't too death metal, and a lot of the melodies are more reminiscient of black metal (think dissection)... anyway, its damn hard to describe, and i don't think anything is going to do it justice, except those funny genres like 'ghost and wind music" or "forest metal"... my contribution? "thoughtful ogre's folk music"
Forest? Boo... Unless we add a Gump in between ;)

I would call it 'killing-the-crows' metal, but according to the FAQ, it happened during an Ayreon song... At least I'll have a genre for Ayreon ;)
:Wreath: said:
Know what? Instead of trying to find some artificial brand for them like 'cold-forest-folk-death-black-doom-progessive-addictive-passive-active-heavy-light-evil-blah-blah-blah-metal' just give him a fuckin Opeth CD to listen to... :P
That's what I do. I can say progressive melodic death metalallday, but that doesn't paint the whole picture. You gotta just hear them.
LOL some of these are great! But in any case MetalManCPA pretty much had it down.
But i would say they have there own genre. Just because there really is no single genre they can fit in besides the obvious "metal" genre but that doesnt really do them justice