not fitting into concerts

Thraxz said:
You obviously have no idea what other people consider reeking of smoke.

Very good non-smokers, the stench is pretty damn nasty, and is multiplied 100x from what smokers may notice because the smell permeates everything around them. I was amazed when I quit smoking that even things like my camera stunk of just don't realize it until you quit (and the reek thing goes for both kinds of just notice it more & a lot faster when it's not a constant in your environment).
Jax said:
Very good non-smokers, the stench is pretty damn nasty, and is multiplied 100x from what smokers may notice because the smell permeates everything around them. I was amazed when I quit smoking that even things like my camera stunk of just don't realize it until you quit (and the reek thing goes for both kinds of just notice it more & a lot faster when it's not a constant in your environment).

Yeah, I live with my mom and she smokes, so I don't smell it so much at home, but when I go out, I can smell it on people...and me. It's irritating, but since I'm pretty much used to it, I don't care if people smoke at concerts. It's when they smoke joints that bugs me because it makes my throat itch and burn...
OfSinsAndShred said:
Smelling smoke makes it hard to concentrate on music that's being blasted in your face at ear-damaging levels? Yeah, okay.

As RockyRaccoon said, it seems you have a problem with every aspect of metal concerts except the music... and supposedly, the concerts are about the music. But if you're going to hate the whole experience - just don't go. Seriously, if the fact that people are wearing black is an issue to you, what are you doing at a metal concert? What are you expecting it to be like?

i dont care if people wear black or not, and I never said it's an issue, it just makes me feel odd because I'm like them, but really it doesn't bother me, I actually like being myself. In all honestly, it's the smoke that destroys my experience. And yes it is hard for me concentrate on the music when someone I hate (smoke) is around me.
OfSinsAndShred said:
It's not like everyone at a concert is smoking. If you're standing by someone who smokes and it bothers you that much, move over.

yeah I know, but it sucked when I had to sit at a specific seat for Gigantour and couldn't enjoy Nevermore and Megadeth because there was someone with weed next to me.

the opeth show was a lot better because it was a non-smoking venue and even though I did smell weed, it wasn't near me and wasn't as bothersome, so I had the chance to actually enjoy the music.
Time for my two cents. By the way, theodyssey here... new website, new name. Alright, now for the fun.

First of all, the dreaded black clothing debate! Sure, when i go to a show i think out what shirt to wear, what will fit with the show (death metal, power metal) but is still not going to be on the back of every person there. I never wear a band's shirt to their show. Why? First of all, it makes the chances of someone coming up and being like "dude, nice shirt. i like that band" greater, which starts conversation. I'd recommend going on ebay and getting a few rarer shirts or at least imports of bands you like. Ultimate conversation starter.

Also, i'm not stupid in how i percieve how i look. When i walk into burger king before a show with a death metal or power metal shirt on, new rock boots, camo pants and leather jacket (not to mention long hair), i know i look like the stereotype. That's the GOAL for me... getting in my costume (that's how i refer to it) gets me pumped up for the show. NEvermind that i wear that every day of the year, it still is a mindset thing. If it doesn't work for you, find something that does. Being as rediculously metal as i can be is my way of getting psyched for a show.

As for drugs, it comes with the territory. You'll get used to it. I dont' do drugs, but i know others do. As for asking them to stop, don't be concerned about being unkind. I mean, don't be a dick about it, but if you are polite it doesn't matter what they think. In fact, aren't they being disrespectful to you if they are ruining your show?

Alcohol, i can do that at a show. It's about moderation. just because i have a beer or two doesn't mean i'm trashed and "not going to remember the show the next day".

Moshing is ok. It's about expression. If i saw someone moshing at a prog show, i'd laugh my balls off, but at any other metal show, i think it has a place. It's an outlet, and regardless of whether or not you understand that, there's no need to disrespect other people's choices. and if you are in front or on the edge of a pit, don't bitch when people run into you.

I am a total metalhead. Metal is my life. Sure, i don't do drugs, don't drink a lot (though i do... nothing wrong with it), and have a job and go to school. Most people make assumptions about me because of that. Does it matter? Not really. It's irritating when i have to say over and over "no really, i don't smoke pot. No, i'm serious", but in the grand scheme of things, if that's my biggest problem in life, i'll take it.

So on the topic, fitting in is what you make of it. Get to know people in your area. Join a local metal message board. There are tons of locals in the scene, and even if you aren't a fan of local music, just talk to them. Go to a show or two, meet people, then when you go to a national show, you will have friends there. Simple.

Thraxz said:
That is one of the concerts I was talking about. I don't want to seem retardedly elitist but I think the general metalhead/*core bandwagon cretins are an order of magnitude less... cultured... than the prog rock/metal guys and girls.

Wow. You seem retardedly elitist. That's fucking incredible. Look, you may think death metal and the death metal scene is stupid, but i think the prog scene is largely pretty retarded myself, so go ahead and pat yourself on the back for being better than me. Congratulations. And i'm not trying to stir up shit. You are entitled to that oppinion and i'm not going to try to change it, but just wow man. You have such a fucked up view of things :lol:
bball, theres nothing wrong with liking metal and not being a metalhead. I have a few friends that are the same way. You don't have to be neck deep in the "culture" of metal to like the music, same goes for any genre of music that has its own "sub-culture" attached to it, like punk, hip hop, etc. THe point of going to shows is to have fun. If the crowd is bothering you, ask yourself why. Rocky had a point with it maybe being a personal thing, but not neccessarily outright social anxiety. Its normal to feel on the outside if you're surrounded by a whole bunch of people from a subculture that you don't feel a part of, but metalheads are usually pretty friendly to everyone at a metal concert, unless they're acting like a douchebag of course. So, like its been said, try to talk to some people either while waiting on line or before the band goes on.

And about the pot thing...thats something that you're gonna find at *every* it metal, blues, classic rock, or jazz (actually, I can tell you, from being best friends with a killer jazz guitarist since I was 15 and also going to a jazz-based music college for 2 semesters, that jazz cats smoke more weed than any metalhead I've ever known). So its sorta like...if you're gonna be going to a lot of shows the pot smell is just something you're gonna have to get used to I guess...
I go to metal shows some by myself, but I've never really felt like an outcast. The last show I attended was from the most recent Queensryche tour. 99.9% at the show were just like me, really diggin' the music. I think that has alot to do with what band it was though. I don't attend "band wagon" or "modern metal" shows.

The last one of those I went to was in 2000, which was Sevendust. A few people behind me were smoking dope and paramedics were carrying people out on stretchers from the arena floor! It was the wildest thing I've ever witnessed. Like I said this wasn't a small club, it was at an arena in Knoxville, TN that seats 24,000 plus! Sevendust was the warm up band to Creed believe it or not. Needless to say, Sevendust upstaged Creed bigtime that night!
Well, to be dressed black etc doesn't mean that you are the perfect metal guy. I think you should try to go with other people to the concerts (although it's hard to find people for a METAL concert) or try to contact other guys there. If you see the concert in a community you'll enjoy it much more.
You talk with them, you'll do everything in a group and you'll forget your worries and it's not necessary that you fullfil the metal stereotypes, I think nobody will hate you for that reason!
DoomsdayZach said:
Time for my two cents. By the way, theodyssey here... new website, new name. Alright, now for the fun.

First of all, the dreaded black clothing debate! Sure, when i go to a show i think out what shirt to wear, what will fit with the show (death metal, power metal) but is still not going to be on the back of every person there. I never wear a band's shirt to their show. Why? First of all, it makes the chances of someone coming up and being like "dude, nice shirt. i like that band" greater, which starts conversation. I'd recommend going on ebay and getting a few rarer shirts or at least imports of bands you like. Ultimate conversation starter.

Also, i'm not stupid in how i percieve how i look. When i walk into burger king before a show with a death metal or power metal shirt on, new rock boots, camo pants and leather jacket (not to mention long hair), i know i look like the stereotype. That's the GOAL for me... getting in my costume (that's how i refer to it) gets me pumped up for the show. NEvermind that i wear that every day of the year, it still is a mindset thing. If it doesn't work for you, find something that does. Being as rediculously metal as i can be is my way of getting psyched for a show.

As for drugs, it comes with the territory. You'll get used to it. I dont' do drugs, but i know others do. As for asking them to stop, don't be concerned about being unkind. I mean, don't be a dick about it, but if you are polite it doesn't matter what they think. In fact, aren't they being disrespectful to you if they are ruining your show?

Alcohol, i can do that at a show. It's about moderation. just because i have a beer or two doesn't mean i'm trashed and "not going to remember the show the next day".

Moshing is ok. It's about expression. If i saw someone moshing at a prog show, i'd laugh my balls off, but at any other metal show, i think it has a place. It's an outlet, and regardless of whether or not you understand that, there's no need to disrespect other people's choices. and if you are in front or on the edge of a pit, don't bitch when people run into you.

I am a total metalhead. Metal is my life. Sure, i don't do drugs, don't drink a lot (though i do... nothing wrong with it), and have a job and go to school. Most people make assumptions about me because of that. Does it matter? Not really. It's irritating when i have to say over and over "no really, i don't smoke pot. No, i'm serious", but in the grand scheme of things, if that's my biggest problem in life, i'll take it.

So on the topic, fitting in is what you make of it. Get to know people in your area. Join a local metal message board. There are tons of locals in the scene, and even if you aren't a fan of local music, just talk to them. Go to a show or two, meet people, then when you go to a national show, you will have friends there. Simple.

Wow. You seem retardedly elitist. That's fucking incredible. Look, you may think death metal and the death metal scene is stupid, but i think the prog scene is largely pretty retarded myself, so go ahead and pat yourself on the back for being better than me. Congratulations. And i'm not trying to stir up shit. You are entitled to that oppinion and i'm not going to try to change it, but just wow man. You have such a fucked up view of things :lol:

well the black clothes thing never bothers me, although I feel out of place because I don't dress like them, yet have the same musical interest.

I have met quite a few people at school that listen to the same music I do, so that's great. I guess I just have be more assertive in letting them know of concerts and stuff.

I've tried asking some of you guys and others on messageboards if you all wanted to hang out at gigantour/opeth show, but it seemed that not many cared for it.
bball_1523 said:
I've tried asking some of you guys and others on messageboards if you all wanted to hang out at gigantour/opeth show, but it seemed that not many cared for it.

I'm not sure i see where you are going with this, but i'll throw this out: if someone posted on this board "hey, who wants to meet up at the seattle show?", i'd not give it a second thought. I don't like planning that shit. If, however, you saw me at the show and walked up and said "hey man!", i'd be down to chat. Make sense? Help any?
Actually, in the state of washington we just had a smoking ban pass. no smoking indoors in any public place. That means bars, concert venues, etc. etc. A lot of people might be pissed, but even smokers have said the fresh air is nice heh.
That's what it's like in California... it was so nice. Now I'm in Vegas... uh... it sucks.

Jax said:
Very good non-smokers, the stench is pretty damn nasty, and is multiplied 100x from what smokers may notice because the smell permeates everything around them. I was amazed when I quit smoking that even things like my camera stunk of just don't realize it until you quit (and the reek thing goes for both kinds of just notice it more & a lot faster when it's not a constant in your environment).

I let my friend Brian smoke ONE cigarette in my car with the windows down and I could smell it for three days afterward. That ended that.
It's irritating when i have to say over and over "no really, i don't smoke pot. No, i'm serious", but in the grand scheme of things, if that's my biggest problem in life, i'll take it.
Hahaha, well said. I have to do that with my parents and relatives every time I come back from school for a holiday break.

Matt's right, btw, metalheads usually aren't into drugs, mostly just alcohol. There are a few people lighting up at metal shows, but go to a classic rock, jam band, or jazz gig, and wow! It's like lighting a plantation of the shit on fire!
OfSinsAndShred said:
Hahaha, well said. I have to do that with my parents and relatives every time I come back from school for a holiday break.

Matt's right, btw, metalheads usually aren't into drugs, mostly just alcohol. There are a few people lighting up at metal shows, but go to a classic rock, jam band, or jazz gig, and wow! It's like lighting a plantation of the shit on fire!

haha, I have people telling me if I am on drugs because my eyelids hang low and they get red throughout the day because of allergies or something.
I have an unrelated question, when they catch you smoking at a concert do they arrest you or just throw you out? I've seen people get busted all the time and I always wonder what happens
ptah knemu said:
Well how long have you been into the music that you go to see? I never really completely established my musical standpoint until about 2 years ago. I also forgot to mention that my first show was a year and a half ago. 11 shows in 1 1/2 years is still kindof alot. Enough to be able to try and help someone.
Been into metal for 5 years, and I went to my first concert when I was 5 MONTHS old.
Oh, so you're counting concerts from way before you were into metal. Counting all the ones from my pre-metal days, I'd say about the same. And my parent is actually sitting here, counting them all.

And also, 5 years of metalogy over my 3 years would do some.
The Yngster said:
I have an unrelated question, when they catch you smoking at a concert do they arrest you or just throw you out? I've seen people get busted all the time and I always wonder what happens
I've never seen it happen, but I'm guessing that in most cases they wouldn't even throw you out. They'd probably just tell whoever was smoking to stop, since it doesn't seem like they really care.