What Happend To These People??!?!?!?!?!?!?


AKA Porn-Fingers
Jun 29, 2003
On this site you will find the crap I deal with everyday


These make up the majority at my school and neighbourhood. The guys wear flared jeans and dye streaks of blonde in their hair, they only talk about girls and cars, they also try to sound tough all the time in a forced deep voice, and they treat women like shit using them for sex, lying and so on. All they listen to is rap and nothing else other than RnB sometimes because " ThAt Is CHiX MuSiK". They all want to put sub woofers in their cars and blast that stuff I won’t even call music out aloud so it bothers every person with taste to the point of wanting to kill them. They want to be black and talk with a new yorker hommie accent half the time.

The females are just as empty as the guys, shallow and selfish is what comes to mind with almost all of them, some are nice but the fact I am a "metal head" refrains them from even considering me as a possible bachelor, cos they love the fuck-witts in the above paragraph. They tell me I’m nice and sometimes cute but nothing happens cos I guess they like being treated like shit from a guy wearing female clothing who has a speed stripe on his head and so closed minded that they think music started on ACID DJ 1.0 . This is why I have been single for so long. And probably remain that way for a while, what happened to all these people?, is it something in the water?
i go to a college full of these people.

i get in in the morning and the dickweed in front of me loudly exclaims that he bought the new j-lo album and that you can see madonna's nipple on the inside of one of her albums.

There are a lot of these peepz in my area, Los Angeles. They are a non-threatening group of people, but annoying.
Ahhh that moment when you wake up and start looking around you and realize that humanity isn't really a race worth saving. People everywhere prove that when applied to humanity, Darwin's theory defines "fittest" as physically appealing and not mentally stimulating. Which in turn shows us that humans are little more than apes, and are still prone to survival on its most basic levels.
Silver Sable said:
People everywhere prove that when applied to humanity, Darwin's theory defines "fittest" as physically appealing and not mentally stimulating. Which in turn shows us that humans are little more than apes, and are still prone to survival on its most basic levels.

None of those chicks are hot, however. :)
jesus christ...my friend and i were going to wendys the other night blastin some arch enemy, and a bunch of those morons were standing outside by their civics admiring the fuckin shit they plastered to them. and here we are, a couple long haired "metal heads" rollin by. they just sat there and stared at us like we were fuckin freaks. i say we kill em all! :lol:

we call 'em scallies over here, and they usually play some form of dance/trance/techno as they try and do burnouts in their sheddy Ford Escorts :lol: