Audient Mico or Something Else


Jan 24, 2012
How does the audient stuff compare to the RME. I have the rme fireface 800 and I was thinking of getting a Audient Mico to give me 12 track input instead of 10. Are the converters as good or better than the rme? I assume the pres are basic "vanilla" but are the preamps on par with mid to high end preamps? I just find that 10 is just shy of what i want when im tracking drums. I dont want to just add an octopre or alike for just a couple channels now again if the mico converters and preamps blow the other common choices a/d converter preamps under 1000 away. (ada8000, octopre, etc.) Or are these my best route to go?Am i over looking something? Even open to something cheap, say 300 ish of just 2 channels if that exists. Thanks.
The conversion will be more or less on-par with the RME, and the pres will be better/cleaner in a less sterile way. They still won't compare to character-pres or high end transparent pres (think Millenia, DAV) but it'll do what you need and be an upgrade from what you currently have.

That said, I'd probably opt for a Digimax FS, D8, Octopre, etc... I'd rather have more channels that are more-or-less on par with the RME than 2 channels that are just slightly better. You never know when you're going to want to mic the shit out of something and having that option is really nice.
Hey Jeff, thanks man i value your opinions. Which of those boxes you would buy if it was you? I was thinking the Focusrite Octopre MK2 but im just not sure. I honestly can generally get away with 10 mics on the drums so it's not an absolute must but would be nice. I've never experimented with extra adat devices. should i expect to have any latency or problems when tracking with it? I mean if i put to identical mics in the same place and recorded one through my main interface and one through the adat will there be a very slight delay? In my mind thats what i predict would happen. Thanks jeff :)
The ADAT conversion will introduce no delay in the signal, no worries there. Light travels really quickly. :lol:

I would probably get the Octopre, although I'm not sure the dynamics portion of it will be good enough to warrant using. The newest Behringer one is supposed to be much improved from the last ADA8000 which wasn't terrible to begin with (bad pres, decent conversion) and I wouldn't feel terrible using that for things like trash room mics, cymbal spots, maybe snare bottom, subkick or anything you'll end up replacing 100%.

You can definitely get away with 10-12 mics on a kit and be fine but it's really nice to have things like hat/ride/china/splash spots, stereo rooms (or two pairs), tom bottom mics, a subkick, mono overhead, etc.