Inexpensive mic preamp for miking cabs?


Nov 29, 2008
Hey guys. I'm currently using an M-Audio Octane preamp connected to RME ADI-2 converters. I'd like to get a new single channel preamp (you don't have to tell me why I should get two channels, I'm not going to :)) mostly for recording distorted guitars, some vocals too.

I have experience with Audient 008 which I really liked, but I can't afford it and I don't need 8 channels. Switchable impedance is a really nice feature , sadly Mico doesn't have that. An AD-converter is a pretty much useless as I'm going to use the preamp with ADI-2.

I'm looking at GAP Pre-73 and Focusrite ISA One. Opinions or other suggestions?

Price range 500-600e
I know you said not to tell you to get a two channel pre, but seriously please consider it. You can do so much with a two mic setup (And you can just throw out the second mic track if you don't like it).
Just my two cents.
I know you said not to tell you to get a two channel pre, but seriously please consider it. You can do so much with a two mic setup (And you can just throw out the second mic track if you don't like it).
Just my two cents.

I do have 8 channels of M-Audio Octane. I prefer a single carefully positioned mic for guitars, but I can always use Octane for a second channel. Because I don't have that much to spend on the preamp I thought I'd get just one channel. I'm not recording any acoustic instruments at home, only guitar cab and vocals. I can use Audient ASP008 and an old Soundcraft Ghost desk at the studio where I'm doing all drum recordings etc.
Ahh, gotcha ;)
Well a friend of mine owns a studio, and he LOVES his Focusrite ISA, and gets some pretty impressive tones out of it.

P.S. how much do you like your Octane? I'm thinking about getting it to expand on my ProFire. Is it ideal for drum overheads and room mics?
Ahh, gotcha ;)
Well a friend of mine owns a studio, and he LOVES his Focusrite ISA, and gets some pretty impressive tones out of it.

P.S. how much do you like your Octane? I'm thinking about getting it to expand on my ProFire. Is it ideal for drum overheads and room mics?

I haven't really compared it to anything, and I haven't used it to record drums for like two years because I record at the studio where they have better gear. It certainly is better than the Behringer ADA8000 I had. It has enough gain for ribbons and doesn't have an awful lot of noise. Nothing fancy, but it does what it's supposed to. They could have fit it into one rack unit though...
So how about a Lunchbox and a DIY preamp kit (Fivefish or similar) then? More expensive but easy to expand...
I got a lunchbox and some vp312's from recently.

was liking these a lot with a sm57 on my 5150 and mesa cab when i was messing around at the weekend.

i would post some clips but they aint the best due to the fact the 6L6's r dying in my 5150 and are getting very noisy.

I think my whole new set of 12ax7's and =c='s are waiting for me at the post office depot tho.
I think Great River is too expensive for me. A lunchbox with one unit would be cheaper and could be expanded later.
Ahh, gotcha ;)
Well a friend of mine owns a studio, and he LOVES his Focusrite ISA, and gets some pretty impressive tones out of it.

P.S. how much do you like your Octane? I'm thinking about getting it to expand on my ProFire. Is it ideal for drum overheads and room mics?

Pretty sure the Profire 2626 has Octane pre's in it dude.