Audio Technica at4040 or Rode NT5?


Orpheus: Melodic Death
Mar 9, 2008
Hey guys! I'm looking to grab an AT4040 as an alternative vocal mic to my sm7. Something more for clean vocals etc. but I figured, do I just go hunt down 2 and use them for overheads as well? Or are the rode nt5s I own better on overheads?

Thoughts please \m/
Different sounds, really. Depends on what you're going for. The NT5s will be brighter, the AT4040s will be more full. I really like the AT4040 on vocals FWIW, probably one of the best bargains out there on the used market.
That's all I needed to hear guys :D The question was basically do I keep the NT5 for over heads or use the AT4040s for 2 purposes. Given that they will sound FULLER overall *as I've heard* I definitely would prefer that! I like getting a little more body into my OH these days and the NT5s have been great, but definitely a bit thin and toppy in the past! Cheers \m/
Really jeff??? They've always had a bit of a cheap highend to my ears :\ Kinda piercy and whatnot regardless of source. Thin was probably a bad term though! Maybe just harsher than I'd like overall.
Yeah I have to say I fully disagree. Never found them peaky or harsh, only dull and maybe a bit cloudy. A nice clean pre does wonders for the image and definition, and sculpting out the low end/low mids tends to help a lot. If you can analog eq them for top end on the way in then even better. Really not bad mics as much as I dream of km184s!
Hmmm... This just makes things even harder!!! :p
Well the main aim is an alternative to the SM7 really! Something nice of clean vocals/ females etc. stuff with more dynamics and less aggressive than what I usually feed the SM7. The at4040 came up a lot that's all and seem multicpurposed.

Maybe some other suggestions???
I have an AT4040 as an alternative to the SM7. I dig it for other things. Really good on acoustic guitars and not a bad room mic
Pick an Oktavamod NT1 or a modded MXL-910 instead. These mics shit all over the competition in their price range and even on more expensive stuff and Michael Joly is a sweetheart.
I can tell you from experience. I bought a pair of NT5's and returned them for a pair of at4040's. First impression of the NT5 were very boring. Thats the best way i can describe them. Plus hands down i liked the at4040 better on acoustic guitar and vocals obviously.

If strictly used oin drum overheads i could use either, but the fact that the at4040's sounded great on drum overheads, vox, acoustic guitar and as room mics. Made it a more logical purchase for me. I cant really imagine anyone not being able to get a decent drum overhead sound with the at4040's.

my 2 cents
I use both mics on every session. NT5's are fine for overheads, with good cymbals they can sound great. I really like them on acoustic guitars in XY at the moment too, certainly not thin.

AT4040 is what I use on vocals, works well on pretty much everything I throw at it. I also dig it a lot for a room mic for drums.

I'd probably suggest the NT5's in your situation as the SM7 will still do a good job on vocals.
Sorry guys, I think you missed my first sentence. I already OWN NT5's but was more wondering whether to get 2 instead of 1 at4040 and do away with them haha. All good though, I've decided on 1 at4040 and see how it sounds as OH, if it beats the nt5 for me, I'll buy a second and sell the nt5s :D